Poikilotherms 的热门建议 |
- Endothermic
Animals - Cold-
Blooded - Warm-
Blooded - Ectothermic
Animals - Blood Type
in Animals - Cold-Blooded
in Biology - Advantages of
Homeothermy - Diapause
in Insects - Warm-Blooded
Creatures - Aestivation
in Animals - Endotherms and
Ectotherms - Temperature Regulation
in Animals - Are Reptiles Cold-Blooded
or Warm Blooded - Are Frogs Cold
-Blooded - Cigar Beetle
Eggs - Homeostasis Temp
Regulation - What Is a Cold Blooded
Animal - Why Are Reptiles
Cold-Blooded - Thermoregulation
Revision - Body Temperature
and Metabolism - Reptile
Evolution - Regulation of the
Human Body - Variations in Body Covering
of Animals