CYP2C9 的热门建议 |
- Inhibitors of
CYP3A4 - Warfarin
Dosage - What Are
Cytochromes - Cytochrome
P450 - Enzyme
Inducer - Coumadin Generic
Name - First Pass Effect
Pharmacology - Cytochrome P450
3A CYP3A - Phase 1 Phase 2 Drug
Metabolism - Cytochrome P450 Inhibitors
Mnemonic - Cytochrome P450
Enzymes - Cytochrome
P450 Test - The Cytochrome
P450 System - CYP Inducers
and Inhibitors - Oxidase
Testing - Metabolism
of Protein - INR
Coumadin - Types of Drug
Interactions - Cytochrome P450
Made Easy - CYP450
Mnemonic - HDAC
Inhibitors - Protease Inhibitor
Pharmacology - Living with Warfarin Information
for Patients - Oxidase Test
Procedure - Polyphenol
Oxidase - Enzyme Repression
vs Induction - Metabolism
of Drug PPT - Medication
CYP2C9 Genetic Variants