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- Kane Hodder
Movies - Robert
Englund - Jason Voorhees
Kane Hodder - Friday the 13th
1980 Film - Kane Hodder
Smoking - Javier
Bardem - Kane Hodder
as Jason - Kane Hodder
BTK - Kane Hodder
Died - Undertaker vs Kane
in Fire - I5 Killer
Movie - Michael Myers
without Mask - Robert and
Kane Hodder - Kane Hodder
Death - Jason
Vorheese - Kane Hodder
with Spiders - Jason X Campers
Scene - Kane Hodder
Burns - Kane Hodder
Ghost-Hunting - The Killer and I
Kane Hodder - Kane Hodder
Haands - Juggalo
Kane Hodder - Kings of Horror
Movies - Pumpkinhead
2 - Arsenio Hall
1989 - Christian Kane
Interviews - John Schneider
Television Actor - Kane Hodder
Autograph - Kane Hodder
Actor - The Djinn
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