Arvd 的热门建议 |
- RV
Hypokinesis - Left to Right Heart
Shunt - Septal
Myectomy - RV Failure
Echo - Apical
Hypertrophy - Inferior
Infarction - Right Ventricular
Failure - Monomorphic
vs Polymorphic - LV
Thrombus - Cardiomegaly
X-ray - LV Wall Motion
Abnormality - Hypertrophic Obstructive
Cardiomyopathy - Congenital Hepatic
Fibrosis - Left Atrial
Dilated - Enlarged Heart On
the Right Side - Right Ventricular
Heave - P Wave
Heart - Left Ventricular
Aneurysmectomy - Right Ventricle
Function - Precordial
Impulse - Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy
Echo - Left Ventricular Failure
Symptoms - HCM
Disease - Echocardiogram
Myocarditis - What Is Left Ventricular
Failure - Cardiac Wall Motion
Abnormalities - Right Ventricular
Dysfunction - Ventricular
Standstill - Hypokinetic
Left Ventricle - Polymorphic Vent