Top suggestions for 4-Hydroxy-2-Butanone |
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- Ketone
Reduction - Butanoic
Acid - P2P
Synthesis - Methyl
Ester - Butanone
Pronounce - Aldehyde
vs Ketone - Iodoform
Preparation - Tertiary Butyl
Alcohol - Nomenclature
Ketone - Butanone
Pronunciation - Ethyl
Acetate - Ketone Physical
Properties - Methyl
Butanone - Amyl
Alcohol - Ketone
Formula - Butyric
Acid - Tert-Butyl Alcohol
- Dimethyl
Sulfide - Aldehyde and Ketone
Reactions - Acetophenone
- Oxime
Chemistry - Names of
Ketones - Toluene
Chemical - Ethanol to Ethyl
Acetate - IUPAC
Naming - 2-
Ethyl Pentane - Naming of
Ketone - Lucas Test
Alcohol - Ethyl
Ether - Ketone
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