Efficient Expression of shRNA | BLOCK-iT shRNA Vectors
SponsoredGet efficient shRNA expression with either lentivirus or adenoviral options. Get transient silencing or integrated shRNA for long-term knockdown studies.In-House Product Support · Customer-First Innovation · Product Guides & Tools
Types: Silencer Select siRNA, Stealth siRNA, mirVana Mimic, mirVana InhibitorCustom shRNA Lentivirus | Service for RNA Interference
SponsoredTop Technology Platform to Offer Custom shRNA Lentivirus Service for Any Specific Gene. Provide Comprehensive Gene Therapy Contract Development, Research, and Validation ServicesSite visitors: Over 10K in the past monthService catalog: For Acquired Diseases, For Inherited Diseases, Gene Therapy SolutionsGFP siRNA/shRNA | Gene Expression | Knockdown gene expression
SponsoredKnockdown GFP gene expression with siRNA and Transfection-ready shRNA Plasmids. Transduction-ready shRNA Lentiviral Particles and Primer Sets are also available.View 360,000+ Citations · Primary mAb Conjugates · Free Antibody Sample
Types: Primary Antibodies, Biochemicals for Research, CRISPR Gene Editing