Wessex - Wikipedia
The Kingdom of the West Saxons, also known as the Kingdom of Wessex, was an Anglo-Saxon kingdom in the south of Great Britain, from around 519 until Alfred the Great declared himself …
威塞克斯王國 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
威塞克斯國王 琴瓦爾 ( 英语 : Cenwalh of Wessex ) 受洗後將基督教傳播至王國內,成為基督教王国。 卡德瓦拉王征服了 薩塞克斯王國 、 肯特王國 和 懷特島 。
List of monarchs of Wessex - Wikipedia
This is a list of monarchs of the Kingdom of the West Saxons (Wessex) until 886 AD. While the details of the later monarchs are confirmed by a number of sources, the earlier ones are in …
Earl of Wessex - Wikipedia
Earl of Wessex is a title that has been created twice in British history – once in the pre-Conquest Anglo-Saxon nobility of England, and once in the Peerage of the United Kingdom.
Thomas Hardy's Wessex - Wikipedia
Thomas Hardy's Wessex is the fictional literary landscape created by the English author Thomas Hardy as the setting for his major novels, [1] located in the south and southwest of England. …
Wessex - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wessex was an old Anglo-Saxon kingdom before England became one country. It was one of seven kingdoms in England. It was named after the West Saxons. It was in the south and …
House of Wessex - Wikipedia
The House of Wessex, also known as the House of Cerdic, the House of the West Saxons, the House of the Gewisse, the Cerdicings and the West Saxon dynasty, refers to the family, …
Wessex (disambiguation) - Wikipedia
Wessex was an Anglo-Saxon kingdom in early medieval England. Wessex or West Saxon may also refer to: Thomas Hardy's Wessex, a semi-fictional region of England in the novels of …
Wessex – Wikipedie
Wessex byl jedním ze sedmi anglosaských království v jihozápadní Anglii v období od 6. do 9. století, kdy postupně vznikl pod wessexskou dynastií sjednocený anglický stát. Po krátkou …
Æthelberht, King of Wessex - Wikipedia
Æthelberht (Old English: [ˈæðelberˠxt]; also spelled Ethelbert or Aethelberht) was the King of Wessex from 860 until his death in 865. He was the third son of King Æthelwulf by his first …