Turbofan - Wikipedia
A turbofan or fanjet is a type of airbreathing jet engine that is widely used in aircraft propulsion. The word "turbofan" is a combination of references to the preceding generation engine technology of the turbojet and the additional fan stage.
Geared turbofan - Wikipedia
The geared turbofan is a type of turbofan aircraft engine with a planetary gearbox between the low pressure compressor / turbine and the fan, enabling each to spin at its optimum speed. The benefit of the design is lower fuel consumption and much quieter operation.
Rolls-Royce BR700 - Wikipedia
The Rolls-Royce BR700 is a family of turbofan engines for regional jets and corporate jets. It is manufactured in Dahlewitz, Germany, by Rolls-Royce Deutschland: this was initially a joint venture of BMW and Rolls-Royce plc established in 1990 to …
General Electric F414 - Wikipedia
The General Electric F414 is an American afterburning turbofan engine in the 22,000-pound (98 kN) thrust class produced by GE Aerospace (formerly GE Aviation). The F414 originated from GE's widely used F404 turbofan, enlarged and improved …
Turboventola - Wikipedia
Una turboventola General Electric GEnx che equipaggia i Boeing 787 e 747-8. La turboventola[1], spesso indicata col termine inglese turbofan, è un tipo di motore a reazione che, a differenza di un normale motore turbogetto, utilizza due flussi d'aria separati:
Volvo RM12 - Wikipedia
Reaktionsmotor 12 (RM12) is a low-bypass afterburning turbofan jet engine developed for the Saab JAS 39 Gripen fighter. A version of the General Electric F404, the RM12 was produced by Volvo Aero (now GKN Aerospace Engine Systems).
Rolls-Royce Spey - Wikipedia
The Rolls-Royce Spey (company designations RB.163 and RB.168 and RB.183) is a low-bypass turbofan engine originally designed and manufactured by Rolls-Royce that has been in widespread service for over 40 years. A co-development version of the Spey between Rolls-Royce and Allison in the 1960s is the Allison TF41.. Intended for the smaller civilian jet airliner …
MS400 turbofan engine - Wikipedia
The MS400 (Ukrainian: MC-400) is a turbofan engine developed by the Ukrainian aircraft engine manufacturer Motor Sich. [1] [2] The engine is used for subsonic unmanned air vehicles.
Turbofán - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Los motores de aviación tipo turbofán [1] [2] (en inglés turbofan) o turboventilador [3] son una generación de motores de reacción que ha reemplazado a los turborreactores. También se suelen llamar turborreactores de doble flujo .
Mantelstromtriebwerk – Wikipedia
Ein Mantelstromtriebwerk, auch Nebenstromtriebwerk, Zweistrom strahltriebwerk, Zweistrom-Turbinen-Luftstrahltriebwerk (ZTL) oder Fantriebwerk – engl. Turbofan – genannt, ist ein Strahltriebwerk, bei dem ein äußerer Luftstrom den inneren „Kernstrom“ ummantelt.