Hamburg - Wikipedia
Hamburg is one of Germany's three city-states alongside Berlin and Bremen, and is surrounded by Schleswig-Holstein to the north and Lower Saxony to the south. The Port of Hamburg is Germany's largest and Europe's third-largest, after Rotterdam and Antwerp. The local dialect is a variant of Low Saxon.
Hamburg - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hamburg, or in full Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (German: Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Low German: Friee un Hansestadt Hamborg), is a city in the north of Germany on the banks of the River Elbe, 18 km away from the North Sea. It is also one of the States of Germany.
History of Hamburg - Wikipedia
Hamburg was founded in the 9th century as a mission settlement to convert the Saxons. Since the Middle Ages, it has been an important trading center in Europe. The convenient location of the port and its independence as a city and state for centuries strengthened this position.
Hamburg – Wikipédia
Hamburg az Európai Unió legnagyobb olyan városa, amely nem egy tagállam fővárosa. A városnak mintegy 1,8 millió lakosa van, további 750 000 lakos él az agglomerációban. Rotterdam és Antwerpen után Európa harmadik legnagyobb forgalmú kikötővárosa, ezért Németországban a Világ Kapuja néven is ismerik. [2][3][4]
Altstadt, Hamburg - Wikipedia
Altstadt (German: [ˈalt.ʃtat] ⓘ, literally: "Old town"), more precisely Hamburg-Altstadt – as not to be mistaken with Hamburg-Altona-Altstadt – is one of the inner-city districts of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Germany.
Portal:Hamburg - Wikipedia
Hamburg, in German officially called Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg (Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg), is a city-state in northern Germany and the country's second largest city.
Boroughs and quarters of Hamburg - Wikipedia
The city of Hamburg in Germany is made up of seven boroughs (German: Bezirke, also known as districts or administrative districts) and subdivided into 104 quarters (German: Stadtteile). Most of the quarters were former independent settlements. The areal organisation is regulated by the constitution of Hamburg and several laws.
Hamburg Parliament - Wikipedia
The Hamburg Parliament (German: Hamburgische Bürgerschaft; literally “Hamburgish Citizenry”) is the unicameral legislature of the German state of Hamburg according to the constitution of Hamburg. As of 2020 there are 123 sitting members, representing 17 electoral districts. [1]
Hamburg Metropolitan Region - Wikipedia
The Hamburg Metropolitan Region (German: Metropolregion Hamburg) is a metropolitan region centred around the city of Hamburg in northern Germany, consisting of eight districts (Landkreise) in the federal state of Lower Saxony, six districts (Kreise) in the state of Schleswig-Holstein and two districts in the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ...
Hamburg - Wikipedia
Hamburg (în germană Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, „Orașul liber și hanseatic Hamburg”) este un oraș portuar din nordul Germaniei, unul din cele 16 landuri federale ale Germaniei. Numele oficial al orașului face referire la legăturile sale cu Liga Hanseatică.