Cornwall - Wikipedia
Cornwall is the westernmost part of the South West Peninsula, and the southernmost county within the United Kingdom. Its coastline is characterised by steep cliffs and, to the south, several rias, including those at the mouths of the rivers Fal and Fowey.
康沃爾郡 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
康瓦爾郡(康瓦爾語:Kernow [ˈkɛrnɔʊ];英語: Cornwall (國際音標: /ˈkɔːrnwɔːl/ )),又譯崗澳郡,香港地區曾譯作歌和老;大不列顛島西南端的半島,英國 英格蘭 西南端的郡份。
History of Cornwall - Wikipedia
The history of Cornwall goes back to the Paleolithic, but in this period Cornwall only had sporadic visits by groups of humans. Continuous occupation started around 10,000 years ago after the end of the last ice age .
Outline of Cornwall - Wikipedia
Cornwall is a peninsula bordered to the north and west by the Celtic Sea, [1] to the south by the English Channel, and to the east by the county of Devon, over the River Tamar. Cornwall is also a royal duchy of the United Kingdom. It has an estimated population of half a million and it has its own distinctive history and culture.
Portal:Cornwall - Wikipedia
Cornwall is the westernmost part of the South West Peninsula, and the southernmost county within the United Kingdom. Its coastline is characterised by steep cliffs and, to the south, several rias, including those at the mouths of the rivers Fal and Fowey.
Constitutional status of Cornwall - Wikipedia
"Cornwall retains a unique and distinct constitutional relationship with the Crown, based on the Duchy of Cornwall and the stannaries. For other purposes it is recognised as a Celtic region or nation and enjoys its own national flag."
Culture of Cornwall - Wikipedia
The culture of Cornwall (Cornish: Gonisogeth Kernow) forms part of the culture of the United Kingdom, but has distinct customs, traditions and peculiarities. Cornwall has many strong local traditions. After many years of decline, Cornish culture has undergone a strong revival, and many groups exist to promote Cornwall's culture and language today.
Geography of Cornwall - Wikipedia
Cornwall is exposed to the full force of the prevailing south-westerly winds that blow in from the Atlantic Ocean. To the north is the Celtic Sea, and to the south the English Channel. Cornwall is the location of Great Britain's most southerly point, The Lizard, and the southern mainland's most westerly point, Land's End.
Cornwall - Wikipedia
Cornwall este unul din comitatele ceremoniale ale Angliei. Ocupă întreg teritoriul peninsulei omonime.
Cornwall – Wikipedia
Cornwall (korniska: Kernow) är ett brittiskt ceremoniellt grevskap i sydvästra England, beläget väster om Tamarfloden. Huvudorten är Truro. Scillyöarna utanför Cornwalls sydvästspets ingår också i grevskapet, men har haft separat förvaltning sedan slutet av 1800-talet.