Nailsea Sixth Form is a vibrant learning community with an inclusive ethos, offering a range of Level 3 courses alongside an extensive pastoral and enrichment programme.
2024年11月14日 · As a Sixth Form we feel it is important that students should be fully involved in this process, and so the application form is intended for completion by students. However, we fully encourage the support of parents/carers. Please find below the application form and other relevant information that you may find useful.
Nailsea Sixth Form offers a range of courses to levels 2 and 3 within the National Qualification Framework (NQF). GCE AS/A2 courses and BTEC Nationals comprise the courses to level 3;
28.11.24 5pm - 7pm One week until our Nailsea Sixth Form Open Evening With a fantastic range of courses available - there is something for everyone!...
2024年12月21日 · Nailsea School's sixth form has been rated "outstanding" by Ofsted. The school is the only sixth form in North Somerset to be rated as such. This comes after the school was ranked first in North Somerset for vocational and academic subjects in its recently published A-level progress results.
Nailsea School, located in Nailsea, North Somerset, England, is a mixed secondary school and sixth form. It has Technology and Media Arts College specialist school status, and became an academy on 1 September 2012. [1]
Nailsea Sixth Form is a vibrant learning community with an inclusive ethos, offering a range of Level 3 courses alongside an extensive pastoral and enrichment programme. We are proud of the high standards of teaching and learning that our students
Students from other schools are welcomed into Nailsea Sixth Form; entry requirements are the same as for those transferring from Nailsea School Year 11. Applications may be made at any time,...