Interview With Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum | Sasquatch Chronicles
2021年4月19日 · I Love Dr. M & Dr.B..so good to have real scientists, that believe in searching and discovery, instead of dogma and protecting their careers. Now is the time for smart, honest people to stand up and be heard, the dummies got us here..hiding like meerkats, wearing underpants on our faces, running from microscopic bad guys ..Our turn!!!
Bob Gymlan: Bigfoot Classification | Sasquatch Chronicles
2021年9月13日 · It’s always wonderful to hear intelligence go up against dogma, the later very quickly appears and behaves very childish, limitation only exists in humans heads, the Universe is infinite, meaning only impossible, is impossible.
Tonight's Show: I saw a Dogman - Sasquatch Chronicles
Tonight I will be speaking to Andrew who had a run in with a dogman back in the late 70’s in Maryland. I asked Andrew to come on the show and he has been reluctant but finally agreed and I am glad he did because he has one of the best encounters I have heard.
Two Frightening Mississippi Dogman Stories - Sasquatch Chronicles
The YouTuber Dark Waters writes “Two Frightening Mississippi Dogman Stories presented by our listening audience.
Little people of flores | Sasquatch Chronicles
2018年1月27日 · Good video Wes! I love the way these scientist need their 80,000 years to make sense of anything outside of there evolutionary dogma. DNA evidence says 14,000 years ago. The dirt bike video from Indonesia you posted a while back Points to the fact that they still exist. There was even an alleged recent sighting in this video by a geologist.
The Beast of Bray Road | Sasquatch Chronicles
2017年1月4日 · Kris G. Very very creepy, Wes….I am pretty sure you had this lady reporter/author on a much earlier SC. Creeps me out because this is about 2 1/2 hrs south of where we live, just south of Green Bay. …and less than …
Genoskwa: The killer Bigfoot! | Sasquatch Chronicles
2019年5月27日 · Don’t wait around on science to validate anything for you. They will always need more time and money, and will ALWAYS be dead-ended by dogma. If you see a booger, do you really need the Big Bang people to validate that for you, or is your given set of senses enough to tell you that you saw something? May 26th, 2019 Log in to Reply
SC EP:351 Dark Waters - Sasquatch Chronicles
2017年8月14日 · F S. Very touching, potent, scary show. Evil is running free in homes, in our country, and in our world. We have become a morally-bankrupt people, lead by an amoral false-prophet.
Watch: Crypto Reality - Sasquatch Chronicles
2016年3月8日 · The 5 seconds of reading you lost is a valid view point, consider yourself educated a little more. I know they exist and chase Yowies (Jingra) in the bush. You my friend assume too much. Evidence has a standard, and calling poor evidence such is not blaspheming to your “believing in it” dogma. That’s why I am on here.
Strange encounters reported | Sasquatch Chronicles
2016年4月20日 · Jan W. First! Well, every one of the reports sound like Dogman. Many of the sightings occurred in the fall or winter and one was digging in an Indian mound.