the Data Lounge - Gay Celebrity Gossip, Gay Politics, Gay News …
Expected speakers include Steve Ford, reading remarks written by his father, former President Gerald Ford, before his death; Ted Mondale, reading remarks from his father, former Vice …
Fellow Travelers will premiere October 27 - the Data Lounge
2023年8月17日 · The sex scenes are sexy but too imbalanced with the physical similarities between Bailey and Bomer but would be absolutely mouth watering had Hawk been played by …
Background talent and former background talent: Any stories …
2022年1月6日 · I worked as an extra twice on two different major feature films that were shooting in London. Most of the extras who do it regularly are absolute nut jobs and having to to sit …
Gossip No One In Hollywood Will Say Out Loud Part 20 - the Data …
2019年3月7日 · Other stars have gone to some lengths to assert their heterosexuality. Richard Gere placed an advertisement in The Times 10 years ago to say that he and his then wife, …
Actors who were either too pretty or too ugly for the roles they …
2019年6月11日 · R49, but GWTW focused a lot on Ashley's refined and elegant build as a comparison to Rhett's character. You were supposed to think the genteel Ashley would never …