VFC FAL (LAR) Standard Type I GBBR Airsoft | RedWolf
The VFC FAL (LAR) Standard Type I GBB is a faithful replica of the Right Arm of the Free World and it is also the first ever gas blowback FAL style rifle, not to mention that the FAL is also quite rare as an AEG.
- 评论数: 4
自2022年VFC發售LAR (FN FAL) GBB以來,也預告會販售精裝版本,等了超過半年終於收到貨了,這挺DX Limited Edition,果然對得起超過三萬元的售價,全鋼製結構一點也不馬虎,當然重量也是增加了不少,下面除了簡單開個箱外,也分享另外客製為以色列版的FAL式樣!
VFC LAR OSW MK1 GBB Airsoft ( SA58 / DSA / FAL )
The VFC LAR series GBBR combines VFC's refined advancements in their 7.62 gas blowback rifle system. It features precise dimensions, detailed finishes, and meticulous attention to design. Whether you’re a field player looking for performance or a collector who values fine details, the VFC LAR series GBBR has you covered!
VFC FAL (LAR) OSW MK1 GBB Airsoft Rifle | RedWolf - RedWolf …
Looking forVFC FAL (LAR) OSW MK1 GBB Airsoft Rifle? RedWolf Airsoft has the Lowest Prices on Airsoft Guns with Price Match. International Shipping. Voted Best Retailer 10 Consecutive Years in Players Choice Awards. Shop today!
VFC LAR (FN FAL) GBB Airsoft Rifle
The world's first LAR ( FAL ) GBB; Earlier version appearance ( FAL 50.00 Type I ) Metric Specifications; Steel outer barrel front section, steel upper cover, steel lower receiver, Quick-adjust HOP system
VFC LAR - The World First LAR GBBR" - VegaForce
With the mechanically similar operation of a GBBR, powerful recoil, Bolt stop function, dummy bolt and steel fire control configuration; The LAR allows users to enjoy a fun and realistic shooting experience.
VFC - LAR (FN FAL) GBB氣動槍 (FAL 50.00 Type I 樣式)
2022年度VFC最新重磅經典槍款產品! 全球首支LAR (FAL) AIRSOFT GBB產品! FAL 50.00 Type I 早期型、公制規格版本外觀樣式。 鋼製外管前段。 合金中段機匣。 合金下槍身。 鋼製提把,全槍大量鋼製零件。 CNC銑銷鋼槍機組。 快調HOP-UP系統。 《敬告與注意事項》 ※ 「本槍非玩具」,槍口動能2焦耳以下,建議適用年齡16歲以上。 ※ 濫用可能造成嚴重傷害;最大射程範圍可能達到100公尺,使用時應確保本身及射程範圍內所有人員均已確實穿戴護目鏡。 ※ 僅能 …
VFC FAL (LAR) Standard Type III GBB Airsoft Sniper - Deluxe Version
After the release of the original VFC FAL (LAR) Standard Type I GBB, this deluxe version, the VFC FAL (LAR) Standard Type III THE replica of the Right Arm of the Free World and it is also the first ever full STEEL gas blowback FAL style rifle.
- 评论数: 1
VFC LAR ( FN FAL ) GBBR ( Ref. #FAL Fusil Automatique Léger …
The VFC-LAR (FN FAL) GBB (FAL 50.00 Type III Style) DX Limited Edition, is a high-quality gas blowback rifle that is perfect for airsoft enthusiasts and collectors alike. This rifle is a faithful reproduction of the iconic FN FAL, a battle rifle that has been used by militaries and law enforcement agencies around the world.
VFC FAL (LAR) Standard Type III GBB Airsoft Sniper (Deluxe Ver.)
Following the success of the original VFC FAL (LAR) Standard Type I GBB, the deluxe version, VFC FAL (LAR) Standard Type III, offers a true replica of "The Right Arm of the Free World." Notably, this is the first-ever full steel gas blowback FAL-style rifle.