Starfall Education: Kids Games, Movies, Books & Music for K-5 and …
At Starfall, children have fun while they learn - specializing in reading, phonics & math - educational games, movies, books, songs, and more for children K-5 and above.
Welcome to Starfall Pre-K & Kindergarten
At Starfall, children have fun while they learn. Educational games, movies, books, songs, and more for Pre-K and Kindergarten learners.
Learn to Read with Phonics | Starfall Education
Starfall™ books, games, movies, and songs follow a research-based method of systematic phonics starting with consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words. Emergent readers gain confidence as they progress to long vowels and other letter-sound relationships such as digraphs.
Starfall: Learn to Read with Phonics, Learn Mathematics
Starfall is an educational alternative to other entertainment choices for children. Our low-cost membership program expands the free content you already enjoy to include delightfully animated songs, mathematics, and reading activities spanning pre-k to 2nd grade.
Starfall Worldwide
Starfall offers an educational website to help children learn letters, vocabulary, reading, and mathematics in the English language.
Welcome to Starfall Grades 4 & 5
At Starfall, children have fun while they learn. Educational games, movies, books, and more for 4th and 5th grade learners.
Welcome to Starfall Grade 123
At Starfall, children have fun while they learn. Educational games, movies, books, songs, and more for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade learners.
Where Do I Start? | Starfall - Starfall Education
Alphabet: Starfall’s ABCs—A perfect starting place for Pre-K and Kindergarten learners! Phonics: Learn to Read—Follow Starfall’s sequential phonics series of 15 books with fun vowel-pal characters (Zac the Rat, Peg the Hen, etc.).
Starfall Free App - Starfall Education
Starfall features English Language Arts, Math, Social-Emotional Development, and Anti-Bullying activities for K-3. These can now be accessed anywhere, including on tablets and mobile devices! Go directly to www.starfall.com or download the Starfall App.
ABCs - Learn the Alphabet - Starfall
Help children's early phonics skills grow with interactive activities introducing the letters and sounds of the alphabet.
Find Starfall Preschool Now | Browse Here
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赞助Engage Your Child's Curiosity with SplashLearn's Fun Educational Games. Sign Up for Free. Unlock Levels, Interact with Cute Characters, and Make Learning Fun for Your Kid.Types: Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5t…Spring Sale: 37% off on Annual Plans · Valid Mar 1 - May 31