What is the square root of negative one? + Example - Socratic
Sep 20, 2015 · The principal square root of minus one is i. It has another square root -i. I really dislike the expression "the square root of minus one". Like all non-zero numbers, -1 has two square roots, which we call i and -i. If x is a Real number then x^2 >= 0, so we need to look beyond the Real numbers to find a square root of -1. Complex numbers can be thought of as …
What exactly IS a square root? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
May 12, 2015 · The definition of "the square root of x" is "the positive number y such that y2 equals x". This is an implicit definition, and so it makes sense that it takes a little thought as to how to actually compute it (Trevor Wilson's link is a good one). But as Paul Picard said, don't let the notation x1 / 2 (or similarly xπ) fool you into thinking that you're multiplying x by itself half a …
Derivative of square root - Mathematics Stack Exchange
What would be the derivative of square roots? For example if I have $2 \\sqrt{x}$ or $\\sqrt{x}$. I'm unsure how to find the derivative of these and include them especially in something like implicit.
Graphs of Square Root Functions - Algebra | Socratic
The best videos and questions to learn about Graphs of Square Root Functions. Get smarter on Socratic.
What does the small number on top of the square root symbol …
I just came across this annotation in my school's maths compendium: The compendium is very brief and doesn't explain what this means.
complex numbers - What is $\sqrt {i}$? - Mathematics Stack …
The square root of i is (1 + i)/sqrt (2). [Try it out my multiplying it by itself.] It has no special notation beyond other complex numbers; in my discipline, at least, it comes up about half as often as the square root of 2 does --- that is, it isn't rare, but it arises only because of our prejudice for things which can be expressed using small integers.
Square root inside a square root - Mathematics Stack Exchange
Jun 24, 2014 · The nth root of a number a a: a−−√n = a1/n a n = a 1 / n. The square root of the square root of x is therefore
How do you find the square root of 361? + Example - Socratic
Sep 8, 2015 · 361 = 19^2, so sqrt(361) = 19. See explanation for a few methods... Prime Factorisation One of the best ways to attempt to find the square root of a whole number is to factor it into primes and identify pairs of identical factors. This is a bit tedious in the case of 361 as we shall see: Let's try each prime in turn: 2 : No: 361 is not even. 3 : No: The sum of the digits …
Why the name "square root"? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
The "root" of "square root" is from latin radix. From Florian Cajori, A history of mathematical notations (1928), page 361 of I vol of Dover reprint : The principal symbolisms for the designation of roots, which have been developed since the influx of Arabic learning into Europe in the twelfth century, fall under four groups having for their basic symbols, respectively, R R (radix), l l (latus ...
What is the square root of zero? - Socratic
Apr 5, 2018 · The sqrt0=0 The sqrt0 will be equal to 0 because 0^2=0. Think of sqrt0 meaning the square root of 0 objects, if you have no objects to square root, then the answer will be 0