Simple 14 MHz QRP PSK-31 Transceiver - QRZ Forums
Feb 3, 2008 · Simple 14 MHz QRP PSK-31 Transceiver Steven KD1JV has published on his website an easy to build design for a 20 metre PSK-31 transceiver. The small lightweight rig is built with common, easy to get and inexpensive parts. Receive current is a modest 30 ma and transmit current averages 450 ma, with a peak output power of about 3.5 watts.
GenesisRadio Announces SDR QRP KIT Transceiver - QRZ Forums
Apr 5, 2009 · The philosophy behind the Genesis G40 is an open hardware platform that empowers the SDR, QRP and kit-builders to enhance the base unit, with schematic diagrams, modifications, parts list and the details to expand G40 capabilities available online and supported as a group project.
Fine Tuning the QRPGuys Triband Antenna - QRZ Forums
Sep 11, 2020 · KM9G Nice video I have built 2 QRP Guys kits they are well designed and pretty easy! KK6USY, Sep 12, 2020 ...
Man Portable Solar Powered QRP Go Kit | QRZ Forums
Jul 25, 2017 · It's taking a long time to figure out what worked and what didn't, but, I think it's finally fair to say I've been able to get my qrp go kit down to a reasonable size & weight. Most of you already know for the past few weeks I've published several articles entitled "Man Portable Off-grid Power for Amateur Radio".
Chameleon DIY Magnetic Loop Starter kit First Build
Feb 19, 2017 · FYI for those wanting to build their own QRP mag loop -- Midnight Science and several other vendors sell the dual-section 365 pF caps and the reduction drives. Typical price is $20-22 for the cap, $11 or so for the reduction drive, and $3 or so for the reduction drive bracket.
'Four Days In May' - Dayton, OH (May 17-20, 2012) - QRZ Forums
Mar 31, 2012 · 'Four Days In May' or FDIM is the annual convention of the QRP Amateur Radio Club International It is held in Dayton, OH and runs concurrently with the Dayton Hamvention. We kick off with a day of seminars on Thursday 17th May, this year speakers and subjects include - Craig Johnson, AA0ZZ PIC Microcontrollers
QSO Today with Graham Firth, G3MFJ - QRZ Forums
Jul 4, 2023 · Electronics and electronics building was the driver and is still Graham's first love in the hobby. QRP was the natural choice of this builder and a way to avoid television interference to his neighbors. Graham is active in the G-QRP group, builds QRP kits for the group, and still plays a mean bass guitar. G3MFJ is my guest on QSO Today.
Dieter "Diz" Gentzow W8DIZ - SK | QRZ Forums
Mar 5, 2024 · Diz was one of the founders of the Flying Pigs QRP Club International, a member of the QRP Hall of Fame, and ran the "Kits And Parts" business with his beloved wife Nancy for many years. Diz was a familiar face at Four Days in May events held during the Dayton Hamvention, he helped to institute the very popular Build-a-Thon event at FDIM, and ...
Issue #11: Field Day 2023 with the Mountain Topper Radio and …
Feb 1, 2023 · Makes me want one of these fine QRP rigs even more, Hi! 73, Ned W8VFM W8VFM, Feb 2, 2023 #2.
Building the Fuchskreis End Fed Tuner from QRP Project
Apr 27, 2020 · Part number for the Grayhill rotary switches: Part number: 56D36-01-1-AJN