Accurate In-Home PT/INR Testing | mdINR®
PT/INR testing is a fact of life for all patients who take the anti-coagulant warfarin. Our goal at mdINR ® is to make living life on anti-coagulants safer and more convenient.
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions - mdINR
After every weekly test you simply call in your results using an assigned ID and pin number or report your results through the mdINR ® app. Your results are instantly saved in our system and simultaneously faxed to your provider or warfarin clinic.
Your Partner for Home INR Monitoring Services and Supplies
mdINR ® offers intuitive, reliable PT/INR self-testing monitors and supplies, including test strips and lancets. Our user-friendly tests allow you to check your PT/INR at home anytime.
How Can mdINR® Help You? | mdINR®
mdINR ® is an Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility (IDTF) that provides a home anticoagulation testing & monitoring solution proven to reduce the risk of complications associated with long-term warfarin therapy and is supported by significant published data showing improved outcomes. Our range of PT/INR meters and machines are part of an ...
Enabling Patients to Self-Test PT/INR Levels at Home | mdINR®
Why mdINR®? mdINR ® is an Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility (IDTF) that provides home anticoagulation testing & monitoring solutions proven to reduce the risk of complications associated with long-term warfarin therapy and is supported by significant published data showing improved outcomes.
Resources You Need to Get Started with INR Testing | mdINR®
We know you have questions about how to get started with mdINR ®, around coagulation and more. Below you’ll find a comprehensive list to make it easier for you.
About the CoaguChek® XS Meter - mdINR
We use the mdINR ® app so as a patient on anticoagulation therapy prescribed by your provider, you quickly and efficiently enter your PT/INR self-test result and submit them through the app without having to call and navigate voice-prompt menus.
Why Self-Test? - mdinr.com
How mdINR® Can Help. Our PT/INR home testing and monitoring services are designed to make testing as easy as possible for you from the moment you contact us. Patient Enrollment. Once your provider has determined that home INR testing is right for you, we will obtain a prescription for the home INR testing and monitoring service.
About the Coag-Sense® PT2 Meter - mdINR
We use the mdINR ® app so as a patient on anticoagulation therapy prescribed by your provider, you quickly and efficiently enter your PT/INR self-test result and submit them through the app without having to call and navigate voice-prompt menus.
@L0277 @L0277 Target Range Values: Range: To Note: If Target Range is not listed, default is: 2.0 to 3.0 PATIENT ENROLLMENT FORM FOR PT/INR AT HOME MONITORING SERVICE Quality of Care.