GitHub - gsantner/markor: Text editor - Notes & ToDo (for …
Markor is a TextEditor for Android. This project aims to make an editor that is versatile, flexible, and lightweight. Markor utilizes simple markup formats like Markdown and todo.txt for note-taking and list management.
Markor: Edit Markdown offline - Apps on Google Play
Mar 10, 2025 · 💡 Unlike other office suites or to-do apps, Markor has one streamlined text editor with no other editing UI. Markor shows how powerful and expressive simple text can be. View, edit, manipulate...
Releases · gsantner/markor - GitHub
Text editor - Notes & ToDo (for Android) - Markdown, todo.txt, plaintext, math, .. - gsantner/markor
Markor | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository
Markor shows how powerful and expressive simple text can be. View, edit, manipulate and convert plaintext! 🔃 Markor works with sync apps, but they have to do syncing respectively. Sync clients known to work in combination include BitTorrent Sync, Dropbox, FolderSync, OwnCloud, NextCloud, Seafile, Syncthing, Syncopoli.
markor/README.md at master · gsantner/markor · GitHub
Markor is a TextEditor for Android. This project aims to make an editor that is versatile, flexible, and lightweight. Markor utilizes simple markup formats like Markdown and todo.txt for note-taking and list management.
Markhor - Wikipedia
The markhor (Capra falconeri) / ˈmɑːrkɔːr / is a large wild Capra (goat) species native to South Asia and Central Asia, mainly the Karakoram range and the Indian Himalayas. It is listed on the IUCN Red List as Near Threatened since 2015. [2]
Markor: Markdown Editor - todo.txt - Notes Offline - Softpedia
Jan 10, 2023 · Markor is a tool that lets you take notes, build to-do lists, create tables, add images, insert links, attach tags, and share documents as PDFs or HTML files. The mobile solution...
markor: Markor 是适用于 Android 的文本编辑器 - Gitee
Markor is a TextEditor for Android. This project aims to make an editor that is versatile, flexible, and lightweight. Markor utilizes simple markup formats like Markdown and todo.txt for note-taking and list management.
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markor - Android平台多功能开源文本编辑器 - 懂AI
Markor是一款功能丰富的Android文本编辑器,支持Markdown、todo.txt、Zim等多种格式。 具备语法高亮、预览、PDF导出等功能,可离线使用,无广告和多余权限。 最新版本增加了AsciiDoc、CSV、Org-Mode支持和行号显示。 Markor设计简洁轻量,是一款灵活多用的开源笔记应用。