Get directions & show routes in Google Maps
Click points on the map, type an address, or add a place name. Choose your mode of transportation. To get driving directions, click Driving . To get transit directions, click Transit . To get walking directions, click Walking . To get rideshare or taxi options, click Ride . To get cycling directions, click Cycle . To get flight options, click ...
Get started with Google Maps - Android - Google Maps Help
This article will help you set up, learn the basics and explain various features of Google Maps. You can use the Google Maps app on your mobile device or Google Maps on your computer.
Get directions & show routes in Google Maps
Search for your destination or tap it on the map. In the bottom left, tap Directions . To edit your starting point, at the top, tap Your location. To edit your destination, tap what's listed in the destination box. Preview the route. To get a list of directions, swipe up on the route info. To get a turn-by-turn preview, tap Preview.
Create or open a map - Computer - My Maps Help - Google Help
Open a map you can edit or create a map. Next to "Base map" in the bottom of the left panel, click the Down Arrow . To choose a style, click one of the images. View maps you can’t edit. If you can open a map but can’t edit what’s on it, you're in the map viewer. While in the map viewer, you can still: Search the map contents; Show or hide ...
Search locations on Google Maps - Computer - Google Maps Help
Embed a Map. Find recent searches. In the "Recents" tab, you can review, save, and share recent searches. To review recent searches: On your computer, go to Google Maps. On the left, click Recents . Tip: At the top of the "Recents" tab, Maps groups searches by geographical location. To save recent searches to Saved lists: On the left, click ...
Google Maps Help
Official Google Maps Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Google Maps and other answers to frequently asked questions.
Przydatne funkcje Map Google - Komputer - Mapy Google - Pomoc
Ustawiaj opcje trasy: gdy używasz Map Google, aby dotrzeć do konkretnego miejsca, możesz wybrać trasę, która bardziej Ci pasuje. Dowiedz się, jak omijać trasy płatne, przeprawy promowe i autostrady; Odkrywaj miejsca w Street View: możesz zobaczyć zdjęcia odwiedzanych miejsc i poznawać okolicę z bliska.
Use Street View in Google Maps - Android - Google Maps Help
To zoom in a map: Pinch open on the screen. To zoom out: Pinch closed on the screen. If you select any named point of interest on the smaller map: The map recenters immediately and new imagery loads for the best view of that place. If you tap any blue line on the smaller map: The map recenters immediately.
1. Add or claim your business - Google Business Profile Help
You can also find your business on the map and click it. Click Claim this business Manage now. To choose a different business, click I own or manage another business. Select a verification option. Follow the on-screen instructions. On Google Search: On your computer, open Google. Search for your business's name and city. Click Own this business?
Ayuda de Google Maps
Centro de asistencia oficial de Google Maps donde puedes encontrar sugerencias y tutoriales para aprender a utilizar el producto y respuestas a otras preguntas frecuentes