Origin of "deez nuts" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2015年4月23日 · Deez nuts is a phrase that originated from the song "Deeez Nuuuts" on Dr. Dre's original album "The Chronic", released in 1992. (www.chacha.com) Also, incomplete: Cassell's Dictionary of Slang - Page 393 Jonathon Green - 2005 . deez (nuts) n. [1990s+] (US Black) the testicles; the male genitals.
Questions about meanings and usage of "deez nuts"
2015年8月23日 · and a reference to a popular juvenile joke, where the phrase "deez nuts," meaning "these (my) testicles" is used as a ribald non-sequitur. 2) Although literally a boast of non-fidelity, the phrase originates, as indicated by Alex, as a mash-up of a popular phrase used in several hip hop songs ("these hos ain't loyal") with the joke.
"The Nuts" in Poker - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Origin of "deez nuts" 4. From Soup to Nuts. 4. Questions about meanings and usage of "deez nuts" 1.
Meaning and origin of "eat your heart out" [closed]
From the online dictionary of OALD: 1. eat your heart out (informal) used to compare two things and say that one of them is better Look at him dance!