The Truth About Christmas - JW.ORG
The Truth About Christmas DO YOU care about spiritual truth? If so, then perhaps you have asked these questions: (1) Was Jesus actually born on December 25? (2) Who were the “wise men,” and were they really three in number? (3) What sort of “star” led them to Jesus? (4) What does Santa Claus have to do with Jesus and his birth? (5) How does God view the Christmas …
What is the real meaning of Christmas? - Grace to You
The answer may just surprise you. For many, Christmas is the time to think of Jesus Christ as a baby in a manger. While the birth of Christ is a special and miraculous event, it isn't the primary focus. The central truth of the Christmas story is this: the Child of Christmas is God.
Why Don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses Celebrate Christmas?
Get the facts: Do Jehovah’s Witnesses celebrate Christmas? What do they believe? Here are 4 reasons for some of their choices.
The Real Meaning of Christmas - Grace to You
If you want a truly meaningful Christmas season, it stands to reason you need to grasp the true meaning of Christmas. Forget about Jesus and you’ve missed the entire, glorious point of the celebration.
Why do so many people miss the real meaning of Christmas?
The majority of people in the world will miss the next Christmas. But how can that be? How can anyone miss Christmas, given the amount of advertising, publicity, and promotion the holiday receive
Why do we celebrate Christmas on December 25? - Grace to You
The decision to celebrate Christmas on December 25 was made sometime during the fourth century by church bishops in Rome. They had a specific reason for doing so.
Christmas Prophecies Fulfilled - Grace to You
Dec 24, 2006 · I wanted to draw you back into the Word of God and let the Word of God speak. It is much more important that you hear the Word of God than you hear anything else. And one thing we know about the Scr
The Theology of Christmas - Grace to You
Dec 20, 2009 · To put it mildly, Christmas is a little bit confusing to the watching world, I’m pretty sure. I never really get over that. Year after year, I’m struck by the paradoxes of Christmas, the strange jux
The Ugliness of Christmas - Grace to You
That’s the meaning of Christmas. And no matter what you may think and what sentiments you may have and what warm feelings you might have about Christmas, unless you understand the ugliness of your own sin and embrace Jesus Christ, who alone by His death and resurrection can save you from that sin, you don’t have any connection with Christmas.
The People Who Missed Christmas - Grace to You
I want to share with you this morning some thoughts on the theme, 'The People Who Missed Christmas.' What got me started about this was I had been watching with anxiety and concern the situation i