Shipping a gun from Illinois - Illinois Right to Keep and Carry ...
Mar 15, 2011 · I shipped a pistol to the manufacturer once for factory repair via FedEx. I disclosed that it was a gun. They were put off at first and then checked the regulations.
Gun stocks and Linseed oil? - Gear - IllinoisCarry.com
May 2, 2011 · What's new on the market? Been awhile, only used what was passed down from all the great grandaddys, pure ole Linseed oil. But we have had alot of Hope and Change lately and thought maybe some better and faster (gotta enjoy what years are left)wood preservatives out there.Is this stuff any good, ...
Gun Auction..Pittsfield this saturday. - Gear - IllinoisCarry.com
Feb 9, 2011 · View New Content; Home ; Right to Carry ; Gear ; Gun Auction..Pittsfield this saturday.
Kirkpatrick Leather...not a happy camper. - Gear - IllinoisCarry.com
Jan 21, 2011 · I have a Texas Strong Side and it's a great holster but I wanted one with a shirt guard. That required the order to be an order on demand.
Air guns? - Illinois Right to Keep and Carry - IllinoisCarry.com
Apr 11, 2011 · The court ruling on the guy I purchases the Gamo viper from may have been some kind of conditional deal for probation, because he was court ordered to get rid of it Due to the felony charge and nature of his crime, however it was.177 cal so it should have been exempt even though it was well over the 700 fps mark.
Red dots for pistols - Gear - IllinoisCarry.com
Mar 13, 2020 · With all the zombie talk from Wuhan I started thinking about new sights specifically for my XD9. This is my nightstand piece already equiped on the bottom side with a TLR1.
MG42, anyone? - Gear - IllinoisCarry.com
Dec 3, 2010 · MG42, anyone? - Gear - IllinoisCarry.com ... My link
State of the Union speech- gun control - National Politics ...
Jan 25, 2011 · "-- Gibbs snuck a jab at the so-called birthers who don't believe Obama was born in Hawaii. "I think rational people have -- have long ago, many when they first heard and saw the president, come to the conclusion of his citizenship," he said."
Training requirement anticipation............. - illinoiscarry.com
Nov 23, 2010 · I like to be an optimist as much as I can but it's been hard believing that some day an Illinois govenor will sign a CC Bill and Illinois can join the other 48 states that give constitutional rights to their citizens.
RTC on your own property - Illinois Right to Keep and Carry ...
Jun 1, 2011 · Harley and BlackCat, the Gun Free School Zone act does in fact have a restriction in it in regards to possession within 1000ft of a school.