ZType – Type to Shoot
Feb 18, 2014 · Z-Type is a typing shoot 'em up video game developed by Germany-based[1] developer Dominic Szablewski of PhobosLab, originally developed for web browsers in 2011 …
ZType – Typing Game - Type to Shoot
share on facebook share on twitter. Play ZType. ZType (c) – phoboslab.org – feedback – soundtrackphoboslab.org – feedback – soundtrack
ZType – Type to Shoot
¡Hola! Bienvenido al juego de mecanografia en español. Aqui tienes un texto basico para practicar tu escritura mientras mejoras tu velocid
ZType – Type to Shoot
All he wanted was a candy bar. It didn't seem like a difficult request to comprehend, but the clerk remained frozen and didn'
ZType – Type to Shoot
Quer transformar habilidades de digitação em show? Conheça o ZType, o jogo que desafia você a digitar com todos os dedos e velocid
ZType – Type to Shoot
A digitação é uma habilidade muito importante nos dias de hoje, pois permite que você se comunique de forma rápida e eficiente com outr
ZType is a typing shoot 'em up video game where players defeat enemies by typing on their keyboard.
ZType – Type to Shoot
WebZType Transform any Website into a typing game Case Sensitive (requires typing uppercase letters) Enable punctuations and symbols Enable
ZType – Type to Shoot
Good game. I like the art style, the card stack and the fact that all character’s cards are in the same deck. It’s difficult, just as these kinds of games should be.
ZType – Type to Shoot
ganz * whole * Bein * leg * langsam * slow * hinter * behind * schnell, rasch * quick * fahren * drive * (sich) bewegen * move * natürlich, klar * of course * Linie oder Reihe * line * rufen / anrufen * …