ZETTLER Group - Relays - LCDs - Transformers - HVAC/R Products
Building on a foundation of more than a century of expertise in German precision engineering, ZETTLER GROUP is a world-class enterprise, engaged in the design, manufacturing, sales and distribution of Electronic Components.
首页 | ZETTLER Group - Relays - LCDs - Transformers - HVAC/R …
传承一百多年的德国精密工程技术传统,如今赛特勒集团已成为一家专门从事电子元器件设计、制造和销售的世界级企业。卓越的 产品开发能力 与广泛的全球业务网络的独特结合是我们成为行业领导者的保证。
亚洲 | ZETTLER Group - Relays - LCDs - Transformers - HVAC/R …
厦门赛特勒继电器有限公司(Xiamen ZETTLER Relay Co. Ltd.) 开发和生产适用于太阳能逆变器、家电、冷暖通风与制冷系统以及测量计量设备的机电继电器。该公司还负责全线赛特勒品牌的继电器产品在中国大陆地区的销售。
LCDs - Transformers - HVAC/R Products - ZETTLER Group
自1877年“A. Zettler Elektrotechnische Fabrik”在德国成立以来,优秀的产品质量、精密的工程设计和创新的技术,一直是我们业务得以飞速发展的基石和原则。
LCDs - Transformers - HVAC/R Products - ZETTLER Group
丰富多样的变压器产品也不断验证了赛特勒的产品开发和生产制造能力。赛特勒磁电提供全系列的pcb安装和贴片式变压器、环形变压器和电感等产品。. 自动化和高效的生产线使赛特勒磁电具备了为客户提供高性价比产品方案的能力。 厦门赛特勒磁电有限公司的生产线采用具有自动绞线技术和 …
LCDs - Transformers - HVAC/R Products - ZETTLER Group
在赛特勒的悠久历史中,机电式继电器产品是公司最早进行设计、制造和销售的电子元器件,也是公司全球产品结构中一个众所周知和倍受认可的支柱产品。 作为行业中拥有最广产品线的公司之一,赛特勒继电器在工业和民用应用领域能根据客户所期望的最佳技术解决方案来持续提供产品设计 …
North America | ZETTLER Group - Relays - LCDs - Transformers
Located in Vista, Southern California, ZETTLER Group North America offers application-engineering, sales, distribution and customer service for a wide variety of top quality electronic components, catering to demanding customers in both industrial and consumer applications.
Relays - LCDs - Transformers - HVAC/R Products - ZETTLER Group
Today, ZETTLER Group defines itself not only by its superior quality components and engineering competence, but – just as importantly – as a provider of customer focused technology solutions in five core product categories.
Relays - LCDs - Transformers - HVAC/R Products - ZETTLER Group
Electro-mechanical RELAYS have been one of the original components designed, manufactured and sold in ZETTLER Group’s long history, making products in this category a well-known and respected mainstay within the Group’s worldwide product portfolio.
Asia | ZETTLER Group - Relays - LCDs - Transformers - HVAC/R …
ZETTLER Hong Kong provides world-class engineering, sales, logistical and technical support, as well as contract manufacturing services to customers throughout the Asian markets – many of them Fortune 500 companies.