YZ250 2 stroke MPG - Yamaha 2 Stroke - ThumperTalk
2008年12月31日 · If you ride a YZ stock, without applying any of the tuning advice you can find here, you will be pretty disappointed with the fuel mileage of the (100% bone stock,) YZ250. As noted above, getting the jetting just right, which takes some effort, & float height adjustment, are essential for good fuel economy. Setting your cyl. head sqush ...
ESR 325 yz250 big bore kit review - Yamaha 2 Stroke - ThumperTalk
2017年12月29日 · Ive always loved the versatility and fun factor a yz250 2 stroke has (track/woods/ whatever) and wanted more power- plain and simple- I own an Af500, a '15 yz450f and have had bikes for 20 years- I ride track intermediate and woods as fast as some of the better guys- a 450 in the woods was a tank- went right back to the yz after less than a season.
YZ250X Power Jet Zero - Yamaha 2 Stroke - ThumperTalk
2021年2月11日 · Yes, standard YZ250 tank plus the reserve petcock. HERA’s post above about more fuel = more power makes sense to me. I do like the way it ran. If after more testing, fuel consumption becomes a limiter in the trails I can select or forces a return to the car that limits my trail time, I will go another route.
Yamaha YZ250 1989 Reviews - ThumperTalk
2020年3月13日 · Read and compare owner reviews & ratings of Yamaha YZ250 1989. Vehicle specs, photos & video, pricing, and more!
YZ250 Timing Thread - Yamaha 2 Stroke - ThumperTalk
2008年7月26日 · Also, keep in mind that these indicator-advance specs are unique to the '99-'09 YZ250 because of it's. flywheel-stator relationship, stroke, rod length and CDI advance programming. The results:-The whole area behind the flywheel is the moveable stator
YZ250 - YZ250X porting and head differences. - ThumperTalk
2020年5月13日 · Ok, I am aware of the differences between the 250 and the X, and know there are a bunch of posts about it, head, porting, transmission, porting, suspension, kickstand, CDI, power valve, pipe. Problem is saying the "porting and head is different" doesn't answer the questions I have. I am beginning...
What is the right gearbox oil to use in an YZ250 2st?
2008年3月29日 · +1 on the Bel-Ray Gear Saver Oil for the YZ250's tranny. The other one that I've good luck with is Golden Spectro Gear Lube 80W(Transmission/Wet Clutch). These two seem to make my bike shift easier/smoother and the gear box also appears to be a bit quieter.
Yamaha YZ250 1998 Reviews - ThumperTalk
2016年6月15日 · 1998 YZ250, rebuilt from the ground up, front plastic conversion. FMF fatty piped hooked up to an FMF Turbinecore 2. High flow front fender , no toil super-flo air filter, cooled with engine ice.
2002 YZ250 Frame Up Project - Yamaha 2 Stroke - ThumperTalk
2025年3月6日 · Just a FYI. 1999 and newer YZ250's share almost everything, parts wise. There are a few old parts that have been discontinued, but the newer parts can be substituted. You have to love the YZ250 👍. Here is my sons 2000 YZ250 build/refresh that is still his main bike.
RM250 vs YZ250? - What Motorcycle Should I Buy? - ThumperTalk
2017年11月9日 · Same. I just want a yz250 because of the amount of mods and support they have for them since they are literally the same bike till 2013-14. Someone wanted to trade me a 2004 yz250 for my 06 yz250f but his suspension was setup for a 125 rider and i weight 200 lbs. thats like 3-500 in suspension in which i dont have so i didnt trade.