What is correct pixel format in ImageWatch for YV12 and NV12?
Mar 27, 2018 · According to the help page, it can display several complex pixel formats, BGR, NV12 and YV12 are among them. Optionally, a format string may be associated with the pixel …
video - Does ffmpeg support yv12? - Stack Overflow
Oct 25, 2017 · The standard Y-U-V pixel arrangement for YV12 is (which android seems to not follow): while YUV420 has V and U planes interchanged. So you should be able to play YV12 …
Creating a Mat object from a YV12 image buffer - Stack Overflow
Sep 11, 2013 · That's impossible. Y'UV420p is a planar format, meaning that the Y', U, and V values are grouped together instead of interspersed. The reason for this is that by grouping …
YUY vs YV12 - AVS Forum
Feb 15, 2005 · YV12 samples chroma with essentially half the resolution of YUY2. This is generally unnoticeable, but I'm sure in careful examination it would be fairly obvious in high …
colors - What is difference between planar, semi planar and …
Mar 6, 2014 · YV12 is exactly like I420, but the order of the U and V planes is reversed. 2. Semi Planner. Semi planar formats have two planes instead of three, one plane for luminance, and …
How to read a frame from YUV file in OpenCV? - Stack Overflow
Feb 2, 2011 · Here is an example for a YUV buffer in YV12 format: Mat mYUV(height + height/2, width, CV_8UC1, (void*) frameData); Mat mRGB(height, width, CV_8UC3); cvtColor(mYUV, …
What is the difference between IYUV, YV12, YUY2 ….etc?
Aug 24, 2005 · What is the difference between IYUV, YV12, YUY2 ….etc? I discovered one thing about wmv that I can’t quite figure out. Apparently WMV9 achieves at least some of its …
upscaling standard dvd movies to 1080p using ffdshow and...
Aug 20, 2009 · "High quality yv12 to rgb conversion" "select closest matching colorspace" I leave the YV12 check box checked, then I press Apply and OK to close the ffdshow video decoder …
The best way to set up MPC Home Cinema - AVS Forum
Aug 7, 2011 · If those make videos too choppy, enable 10-bit output; this will at least give you dithering to avoid banding. Also enable the YV12 Chroma upsampling shader. Right click …
(Solved) Force MPC-HC to use windows codecs. - AVS Forum
Nov 19, 2013 · Need a little help to setup proper settings for MPC-HC. I'm using the latest version with LAV Filter. Some video files in MPC-HC playback is not smooth compare …