why --- (3 dashes/hyphen) in yaml file? - Stack Overflow
2018年6月11日 · To signal the document start after directives, i.e., %YAML or %TAG lines according to the current spec. For example: %YAML 1.2 %TAG !foo! !foo-types/ --- myKey: …
What is the difference between '>-' and '|-' in yaml?
2022年5月2日 · This link has a good explanation and pretty examples, yaml-multiline.info. In summary, -means removing newlines at the end of the block, regardless of how many …
What is the << (double left arrow) syntax in YAML called, and …
It is called the Merge Key Language-Independent Type for YAML version 1.1. and specified here.. It is something that parsers can optionally support, and it is essentially an interpretation of the …
What Is YAML? - IBM
2023年12月11日 · “YAML” is an acronym which stands for "YAML Ain't Markup Language" or "Yet Another Markup Language." The former is meant to underscore that the language is intended …
How do I break a string in YAML over multiple lines?
2016年9月6日 · YAML makes wrong things look right - for example, an innocuous colon : within one string in a string array makes YAML interpret it as an array of objects. It violates the …
什么是 YAML?| IBM
YAML 中使用空格(不是制表符,YAML 中禁止使用制表符)来表示层次结构和嵌套。由于 YAML 在结构上依赖缩进,因此在整个 YAML 文档中确保一致性非常重要。 换行 (Newline) 表示换 …
YAML Multi-Line Arrays - Stack Overflow
2014年5月14日 · In YAML, you can easily create multi-line strings. However, I would like the ability to create a multi-line array (mainly for readibility within config files) using the | character. …
What is the difference between YAML and JSON? - Stack Overflow
YAML is currently being used more for offline data processes. For example, it is included by default in the C-based OpenCV computer vision package, whereas JSON is not. You will find …
Conditions in yaml pipeline like "eq" and "ne" is not working
2019年10月23日 · As I know, this format is only applied in YAML template. Now, the issue is the variable called method you are using is not correct. You should use the format …
How to create a virtual environment in Python using an …
2021年6月23日 · I have a requirements.yaml file and I want to create a python virtual environment using it. The file looks like this dependencies: - python=3.7.5 - pip=19.3.1 - pip: - …