xeofs · PyPI
2024年10月28日 · xeofs is a specialized Python package designed for dimensionality reduction in climate science, aimed at extracting meaningful patterns from large datasets. It provides eigenmethods such as Principal Component Analysis (EOF analysis) and several related variants.
GitHub - xarray-contrib/xeofs: Comprehensive EOF analysis in …
xeofs is a specialized Python package designed for dimensionality reduction in climate science, aimed at extracting meaningful patterns from large datasets. It provides eigenmethods such as Principal Component Analysis (EOF analysis) and several related variants.
Extracting Patterns from Climate Data — xeofs 3.0.4 documentation
xeofs is a specialized Python package designed for dimensionality reduction in climate science, aimed at extracting meaningful patterns from large datasets. It provides eigenmethods such as Principal Component Analysis (EOF analysis) and several related variants.
Xenon oxytetrafluoride - Wikipedia
Xenon oxytetrafluoride (Xe O F 4) is an inorganic chemical compound. It is an unstable colorless liquid [2][3] with a melting point of −46.2 °C (−51.2 °F; 227.0 K) [4] that can be synthesized by partial hydrolysis of XeF 6, or the reaction of XeF 6 with silica [3] or NaNO 3: [5] NaNO 3 + XeF 6 → NaF + XeOF 4 + FNO 2
GitHub - mshiv/xeofs-rand: Collection of EOF analysis and related ...
Example showing sea surface temperature decomposed via EOF analysis, Varimax rotation and Promax rotation. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis, more commonly known as …
Xenon oxydifluoride - Wikipedia
Xenon oxydifluoride is an inorganic compound with the molecular formula XeOF 2. The first definitive isolation of the compound was published on 3 March 2007, producing it by the previously-examined route of partial hydrolysis of xenon tetrafluoride.
xeofs - Read the Docs
Tags climate, dimensionality-reduction, empirical-orthogonal-functions, eof, eof-analysis, eofs, pandas, pattern-recognition, pca, principal-component-analysis, python, xarray, xeof, xeofs Short URLs xeofs.readthedocs.io xeofs.rtfd.io Default Version latest 'latest' Version main
二氟一氧化氙 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
二氟一氧化氙 (XeOF 2)为 氙 的四价 氟氧化物,也是氙最低氧化态的氟氧化物。 2007年3月3日,通过先前研究的 四氟化氙 部分 水解 法,首次分离二氟一氧化氙。
xeofs is a Python package tailored for the climate science community, designed to streamline advanced data analysis using dimensionality reduction techniques like Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF) analysis – often called Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in other domains.
四氟一氧化氙可被过量的 氢 在300°C时还原为氙。 这是一个定量反应,可以用这个方法分析XeOF4: XeOF4+3H2→Xe+H2O+4HF. [3] 1. 按 四氟化氙 (xenon tetrafluoride)与水以1:1摩尔比在液体HF中反应可制取。 [2] 2. 控制 六氟化氙 (xenon hexafluoride)与被水蒸气饱和过的空气反应,有80%的XeF6转化为XeOF4:XeF6+H2O→XeOF4+2HF. [1] [3] 3. 把六氟化氙封装在石英容器中,让六氟化氙与 二氧化硅 缓慢反应,能生成四氟一氧化氙。 使用上述反应时,应立即将生 …