What is XBRL? | XBRL
XBRL is the global standard that powers digital reporting. By making business reporting computer-readable, it helps make business data easy to find, access and analyse. Why do we need it?
How the XBRL standard works
XBRL is the gold standard for financial, sustainability reporting and prudential reporting, and is also used for tax returns, energy utility data, commercial property values, municipal reporting, and a host of other cutting-edge applications.
The Standard - XBRL
Companies, public sector agencies and a wide range of other organisations are increasingly obliged to report in XBRL. Here is some information to help develop an understanding of the Standard. What is XBRL? The Standard for Reporting; …
What - XBRL
What is XBRL? XBRL is the global standard that powers digital reporting. By making business reporting computer-readable, it helps make business data easy to find, access and analyse. Why do we need it? Because just publishing corporate data in any format is not enough.
XBRL International is a global not for profit operating in the public interest. Our purpose is to improve the accountability and transparency of business performance globally, by providing the open data exchange standard for business reporting.
The XBRL Standard
The XBRL standard provides the ability to design and publish business validation rules in a standardised format. Basic validation semantics can be represented in XBRL taxonomies using the core specifications.
The Standard for Reporting - XBRL
XBRL is the international standard for digital reporting of financial, performance, risk and compliance information, although it is also used for many other types of reporting. The open XBRL specifications are freely licensed to anyone seeking to use the standard.
iXBRL, or Inline XBRL, is an open standard that enables a single document to provide both human-readable and structured, machine-readable data. iXBRL is used by millions of companies around the world to prepare financial statements in a format that provides the structured data that regulators and analysts require, whilst allowing preparers to ...
Introduction - XBRL
What is XBRL? XBRL is the business reporting standard. It’s used by millions of businesses to prepare, validate and submit actionable business reports to regulators, government agencies and business partners.
Understanding Boolean and Enumeration Tags in Digital …
2024年9月27日 · Boolean elements within XBRL taxonomies can for example serve as indicators, signaling whether certain statements or disclosures have been included in a financial or sustainability report. This simple true/false value streamlines reporting processes, ensuring clarity and accuracy in compliance with regulatory requirements.