[SOLVED] [ffmpeg] Recommended settings to convert to …
Dec 28, 2024 · Hello, To further compress videos into smaller files, I'd like to try x265 for video and Opus for audio. I saw those two lines mentioned.
FFMPEG - X265 - Help for correct commands and syntax
Mar 1, 2017 · Sadly my brain is pretty flawed, so i am trying hard to scrape the right commands together for (batch) transcoding X264 to X265 with FFMPEG. Sources are nearly all FHD TV Shows ripped from Bluray or HDTV. This command is what i have right now: ffmpeg -i input -c:v libx265 -preset superfast -crf 24 -c:a aac -b:a 386k output.mkv VERY IMPORTANT:
FFMPEG x265 10bit and virtualdub x265 10bit settings
Jun 6, 2016 · x265 can encode 10 bit from 8 bit source so it can be used even with vanilla VirtualDub. (Of course that implies 8 bit processing) @lilycarolyn You can either: a.) Use an x265 binary that does only 10 bit. Then you don't need to change the command. (e.g. from https://encoder.pw) or b.)
Should I use --no-sao when encoding with HEVC?.
Nov 13, 2020 · You will typically see the blurring for 10bit x265 CRF 23-24 slow as per the OP's scenario , at least on still frames for typical live action sources. In motion, depends on the person. But for low to very low bitrates, or "smooth" content like simple cartoons it can be beneficial (but so can a denoiser)
H265, rezising, and film grain - VideoHelp Forum
Oct 14, 2020 · I choose x265 with two passes (no turbo 1st pass) at 7000 Kb/s, and "slower". With "grain" profile, it shows a little less of it than on Virtualdub2, but still a lot (it still disturbs) ; with "none" profile, that's the opposite: the image losses a lot of its definition/precision in the process.
ffdshow support for HEVC.x265 - VideoHelp Forum
Oct 20, 2019 · By x265 in forum Software Playing Replies: 18 Last Post: 20th Oct 2019, 03:19. x265 HEVC Encoder. By x265 ...
Convert H265 to H264 losslessly - VideoHelp Forum
Feb 13, 2025 · 265.mkv is a short x265 encoded video 264.mkv is 265.mkv encoded with ffmpeg libx264 at -qp 0 _265_to_264 is the ffmpeg batch file used to do that encoding _PSNR.BAT runs ffmpeg to compare 264.mkv to 265.mkv, shows PSNR = inf _SSIM.BAT runts ffmpeg to compare 264.mkv to 265.mkv, show SSIM = 1.000000
The purpose of '--aud' and '--hrd' parameters in x265 HDR encoding
Feb 6, 2021 · I've been encoding my UHD Bluray collection using ffmpeg/x265 for about 2 years now, and until a few weeks ago, I never included these parameters in my HDR encodes. I was aware that they were enabled from the --uhd-bd parameter, but I assumed they weren't required as I am encoding for personal streaming, and not UHD BD authoring (and I also don ...
SVT-HEVC vs X265 - VideoHelp Forum
Jun 30, 2020 · A bit of explaining, x264 and x265 have 10 presets available, ultrafast, superfast, veryfast, faster, fast, medium, slow, slower, very slow and placebo. SVT-HEVC has from 0-12, inclusive, for a total of 13 presets, with a default of 7.
best x265 parameters to keep the quality of smartphone re …
Jan 7, 2025 · No. Setting subpixel refinement to 7 does not increase the sharpness, it can improve the effectiveness of the compression, which for a fixed file size could potentially improve the image quality.