Wuhan Yangtze International School | The best of US education
We are a vibrant international community in Wuhan, China, providing transformative, holistic Pre K–12 education. Latest… Load more… Why Wuhan Yangtze International School? We are …
Wuhan Yangtze International School learning | American curriculum
We provide an American curriculum and world-class education, treating character formation as essential as academic achievement. Parents are welcome to schedule an appointment to visit the campus. Our hours are 8:00–16:30 Monday–Thursday, and 9:00–16:00 on Fridays, when school is …
Wuhan Yangtze International School | About our values + history
武汉长江外籍人员子女学校是一个特别的地方。 回顾20多年的教育生涯,我分别在三大洲的六所学校工作过。 在作为一名教师、行政人员和教育顾问的职业生涯中,我访问了世界各地的其他数十所学校。 所以,当我说武汉长江外籍人员子女学校是一个特别的地方和一所伟大的学校时,正是基于我这些背景和经历得出来的结论。 我们有很强的学术能力。 这不仅仅是因为我们的学生被世界一流的大学录取,而是因为我们全力帮助每一位学生在他们的个人成长道路上学习和取得进步。 …
Wuhan Yangtze International School - Wikipedia
Wuhan Yangtze International School (WYIS; Chinese: 武汉长江国际学校 [1]) is an English-language international school located within the Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone (WEDZ) in Wuhan, Hubei, China. WYIS follows an American curriculum and serves students in grades Pr12.
武汉长江国际学校(wyis)始于2003年,当时只有7名学生,如今已发展成为提供全方位服务的学校,为3至18岁的儿童提供教育服务。 在过去的16年中,学校为来自26个国家和地区的数百名学生
武汉长江外籍人员子女学校(wyis)现在位于武汉经济技术开发区汉阳,并因其所在城市和流经该市的著名河流而更名。 它由是一所经过完全认证的为外籍儿童提供从幼儿园直到12年级学习机会的
武汉长江外籍人员子女学校(wyis)现在位于武汉经济技术开发区汉阳,并因其所在城市和流经该市的著名河流而更名。 它由是一所经过完全认证的为外籍儿童提供从幼儿园直到12年级学习机会的国际学校,提供以英语授课的西式教育。
Wuhan Yangtze International School
Wuhan Yangtze International School (WYIS) is an English-language international school located within the Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone (WHDZ) in Wuhan, Hubei, China. WYIS provides a respected education for Pre-K through Grade 12 expatriate children.
Graduation + credit requirements 23 high school credits are required for graduation. A minimum of 6 credits is needed for each year. Courses taught daily are valued at 0.5 credit
Wuhan Yangtze International School | About our values + history
Our school started life as South Lake International School in the Wuchang district of Wuhan with seven students. We became the first international school in central China to be granted a Foreign Expat Children’s School license by the Ministry of Education.