How to make .wsz/.wal skin files from .zip files
2003年12月23日 · The .wsz file was associated exclusively with Winamp, this enables anyone to click on a download link or file on their pc and have it installed directly into Winamp. When Winamp3 came on the scene a few years later to avoid any confusion with the already existing 1000's of skins, a new format was introduced, this was the .wal format.
TUTORIAL - How to rename file extensions (from ZIP to WSZ files …
2000年10月11日 · The file icon will now be changed from the 'zip' icon to the 'Winamp skin' icon... By double clicking on a .wsz (Winamp Skin Zipped), the Winamp skin is automatically installed into your "C:\Program Files\Winamp\Skins\" directory and the skin also automatically becomes your Winamp default skin (Winamp may load when you install a new skin).
Pioneer Classic Skins - Winamp & Shoutcast Forums
2016年8月14日 · I recently installed Winamp 2.95 and couldn't find any decent stereo skins I originally downloaded way-back-when.
how can a '.wal' file change to a '.wsz' file - Winamp & Shoutcast …
2009年8月25日 · .wsz files are classic Winamp 2.9x style skins and .wal files are modern skins. Changing the extension won't bring any positive effect. But to answer your question, both file types are just renamed .zip files, so simply rename them in Explorer (stupid idea and not recommenced, though)
convert to wsz (how do i?) - Winamp & Shoutcast Forums
2000年7月19日 · After that I tried to give it another nam with the right mouse button and rename , but then the nam was myskin.wsz.zip and the MS-DOS name was myskinw~1.zip so I could't convert it too a winamp skin. Then I tried it in MS-DOS , …
.WSZ Files - Winamp & Shoutcast Forums
2002年5月28日 · The place for all your Winamp Classic Skin lovin'. This is where you can share your favorite skins, get ideas for a new skin, or just get help on building your own...
how to install the new skin to winamp
2007年4月14日 · Hi, Everybody I have a question for Winamp Skin (for Modern Skins) Since I hv d/l more new skin for Winamp and found the file tape was → (.sz)lastest part file tape.
Wsz files - Winamp & Shoutcast Forums
2000年8月6日 · Search in titles only Search in Winamp Technical Support only. Search. Advanced Search
Difference between an .SZ and an .WSZ file?
2002年8月22日 · Search in titles only Search in Winamp Technical Support only. Search. Advanced Search
Make your own winamp skin? - Winamp & Shoutcast Forums
2014年5月31日 · The home for Winamp Modern Skins. This is where art and code clash! If you get stuck with your Maki (Nullsoft's scripting language) or XML, come on over! If you figure out a clever way to do something, post your solution here!