Map | WSPRnet
Shows which areas of the earth are in daylight.
无线电-短波QRP新玩法-WSPR(弱信号传播报告器) - 知乎
WSPR是一款能让你加入到全球低功传播信标网络的软件。 有了它,你不但可以使用自己的电台发射信标信号,还能接收同业余频段下其他有相似设备站点发出的信标。 各个参与的站点在接收信标的同时又将其上传到网页服务器,信号发射完成后,你可以分分钟在地图上查到接收地点和接收强度,地图上甚至能够显示信号的传播路径。 如果你在忙其他事情,只要保持WSPR在运行状态。 随后可以随时搜索数据库查看你信号被接收情况。 还能通过分析过往的信号报告,了解季节 …
WSPR (amateur radio software) - Wikipedia
WSPR (pronounced "whisper") is an acronym for Weak Signal Propagation Reporter. It is a protocol, implemented in a computer program, used for weak- signal radio communication between amateur radio operators. The protocol was designed, and a program written initially, by Joe Taylor, K1JT.
WSPR Rocks!
SQL search for wspr.rocks and general db queries. Use the 'rocks' demos if you want to execute the query in wspr.rocks. 5,000 spots is a hard limit. Click the Search button and have a look …
WSPR is short for Weak Signal Propagation Reporter and is pronounced “Whisper”. It is important to note right away that WSPR is not a QSO mode. It is used to broadcast a position, call sign and power level and see who hears and decodes it. Reports of these decodes can be sent and tracked on a central website. http://www.wsprnet.org.
WSJT Home Page
WSJT-X and MAP65 are open-source programs designed for weak-signal digital communication by amateur radio. Normal usage requires a standard SSB transceiver and a personal computer with soundcard, or the equivalent. SDR-style hardware including the SDR-IQ, Perseus, SoftRock, and FUNcube Dongle is supported by MAP65.
WSPR, which stands for Weak Signal Propagation Reporter, is a program used to test the propagation paths of RF signals between amateur radio operators using a narrowband digital transmission protocol called MEPT_JT on the HF and MF frequency bands.
The Complete Guide to Weak Signal Propagation Reporter
WSPR (usually pronounced “whisper”) is a software application that uses the transmission mode MEPT-JT (Manned Experimental Propagation Transmitter – Joe Taylor). In MEPT transmissions, the radio becomes a beacon that transmits for just under 2 minutes, transmitting callsign, locator and power information. Modulation is by narrow-band FSK.
WSJT Home Page - SourceForge
WSPR mode implements a protocol designed for probing potential propagation paths with low-power transmissions. WSPR is fully implemented within WSJT-X, including programmable "band-hopping".
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