Women's Risk Needs Assessment Research (WRNA) - University of …
Jul 29, 2024 · The WRNA not only measures women's specific criminogenic needs, but also their strengths, to drive a comprehensive, holistic case-plan designed to work alongside women and their gender- and trauma-responsive treatment and supervision.
Assessments - Centers and Partnerships - University of Cincinnati
Women's Risk Needs Assessment (WRNA) The WRNA was originally created through a cooperative agreement between the National Institute of Corrections and the University of Cincinnati through research conducted by Patricia Van Voorhis, Emily Salisbury, Emily Wright, and Ashley Bauman.
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Women’s Risk Needs Assessment (WRNA)
Jul 29, 2024 · The WRNA is a recommended instrument in various toolkits and manuals surrounding the implementation of gender-responsive correctional strategies.
Women’s Risk Needs Assessment (WRNA) was the most validated, gender responsive and trauma-informed risk/need/responsivity tool for this population internationally (see Pemberton et al., 2019).
to various gender -neutral items on a risk/needs assessment, the WRNA was formulated with women in mind from the beginning in order to attain a true and accurate measure of women’s criminogenic risk and their strengths. More speci ically, the WRNA is one of the few assessment instruments that: 1.
WRNA | Emilysalisbury 1
The suite of Women's Risk Needs Assessment (WRNA) instruments are the only validated, peer-reviewed risk/need instruments in the public domain specifically designed by and for system-impacted women. The WRNA measures women's specific criminogenic needs and strengths to drive comprehensive, holistic case-planning designed to complement gender ...
WRNA-T Training available: Yes Cost: Available to users without charge, but requires registration with University of Cincinnati to sercure permission for use Number of items: 97 Included domains: Victimization Personality/attitudes Criminal history Substance use …
women offenders, known as the Women’s Risk Need Assessment (WRNA). The WRNA is a set of gender-responsive actuarial risk assessment tools designed to properly account for women’s risk factors, or criminogenic needs, associated with recidivism and future misconduct .
Gender-Responsive assessment for Female population, WRNA: Women Risk/Needs Assessment. Including gender in programming simply promotes practices that recognize and reflect on the effects of gender on a person’s experiences. Subsequently, undergoing a department-wide analysis of services provided by utilizing WRNA data, guides