What add-ons are a must have? : r/wownoob - Reddit
2023年5月11日 · I personally use DBM, GTFO (just makes noise if you’re standing in something), Details / recount (usually details anymore but recount was my shit back in the day), mythic dungeon tool, rare scanner (can be annoying but it’s nice to show item spawns / dragon glyphs and rares), auto set max camera distance (the camera likes to zoom in sometimes when doing …
WoW Classic Best Addons and Macros Guide - Icy Veins
2019年9月18日 · Deadly Boss Mods. If you plan to raid, having a Boss Mod addon, such as Deadly Boss Mods is a must. It will help you track important raid abilities and give you important messages from fight to fight. Most importantly, it will give you warnings and notifications if you are targeted by something or if an important mechanic is happening.
[ GUIDE ] · How to make World of Warcraft look "WOW" - Reddit
I'm not playing WoW per se since the begining of S4. Did my "chores" and parked it. Regardless, I don't think a whole new guide is needed for Dragonflight. It's the same thing, just with a different UI. Everything applies as written in the guide.
Recommended Aslain mods : r/WorldOfWarships - Reddit
2017年8月27日 · Chat mods > Group 1 - Improved Chat is nice for making it much easier to see which ship is talking/asking help in chat. Pick the one that suits you. Pick the one that suits you. Ship skins & appearance > Compressed textures for weak computers If you have problems with loading late into games this is the mod for you.
Top 10 Quality of Life WoW Addons - News - Icy Veins
2015年1月10日 · Deadly Boss Mods Constantly updated, well developed, and easy to use, Deadly Boss Mods is the single most downloaded WoW addon of all time for a reason. For every contemporary encounter, DBM gives you relevant timers, warnings, and excellent utilities (including the nigh-mandatory range radar).
Best addons for hardcore wow : r/classicwow - Reddit
What are the best addons for WoW Classic? (Dangerous Mobs Map, Questie for Hardcore (even paid guides), Data from Mobs abilities, etc, even Raid Warnings idk?) Thank you in advance.
Protection Warrior Tank Macros and Addons - Icy Veins
2025年2月24日 · A boss mod, such as Deadly Boss Mods or BigWigs. While this pertains to some roles more than others, tracking the availability of things like other players' interrupts, external cooldowns, etc. Again, a good interface is subjective. If you are the kind of player the only does open-world content, then a more minimal interface may be better for you.
Holy Priest Healing Macros and Addons — The War Within (11.1.0)
2025年2月24日 · Boss mods are addons that warn you about boss abilities and give you live advice on how to handle some mechanics. We strongly recommend you to get one such addon. At Icy Veins, we mostly use Deadly Boss Mods, the most popular boss mod. A good alternative is …
Classic Guide to Shamans' Best Addons - WoW Classic - Icy Veins
2024年11月18日 · Boss mods are addons that warn you about boss abilities and give you live advice on how to handle some mechanics. Deadly Boss Mods has already released a WoW Classic version, so make sure to help on its testing! Optionally, DBM Voicepack VEM can be used alongside DBM to audibly warn you of upcoming mechanics.
Useful Addons for WoW Classic Hardcore : r/classicwow - Reddit
2023年8月25日 · Stop being such an elitist then, a lot of people playing now are new to classic and aren't spending their days min maxing what levels they get their blizzard at. You're probably just a 34 year old balding man sitting in your own feces while playing classic wow everyday and asking your mom to clean up your dr pepper can pile.