Superstar Country Z-104 WLZZ
Coldwater High School Has New Principal . Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Auburn Birthing Center Reopens . Monday, May 20, 2024. Angola Man Arrested On Charges Of Child Molesting
Superstar Country Z-104 WLZZ
COLDWATER, Mich. - Coldwater Community Schools announced the hiring of a new principal for the high school. During the Coldwater School Board of Education's Monday night meeting the board announced the hiring of Steve Hope as the new principal at Coldwater High School.
WLZZ - Montpelier Ohio Radio - Best Country Radio
Our Listen Live feature is available for some of the local sports. If you do not hear/see the audio stream below, no sports programs are available at this time.
Superstar Country Z-104 WLZZ
ChaCha Chavez Weekdays: 10:00am - 3:00pm Cha Cha is a 30+ year radio veteran and still has the same love for radio today as she did when since her first shift!
Superstar Country Z-104 WLZZ
FORT WAYNE - The Prairie Heights Varsity Girls' Tennis team defeated Fort Wayne's Northrop 3-2 on Tuesday, April 9. Number one doubles team of freshmen Landry Byler and Ryleah Carlin beat Northrop 6-1 and 6-3.
WLZZ - Montpelier Ohio Radio - Best Country Radio
WLZZ Radio 05691 State Road 15 N, Suite B Bryan, OH 43506 Business Phone: 419-633-1045 Request Line: 800-788-1045 Fax: 419-633-1047 E-Mail: [email protected] Owner: Swick Broadcasting Company News Director: Brett Briscoe - [email protected] Account Executives:
WLZZ - Montpelier Ohio Radio - Best Country Radio
There are no SCHOOL DELAYS at this time. There are no OTHER NOTICES at this time. BUSINESS • (419) 633-1045 REQUESTS • (800) 788-1045 [email protected]
Superstar Country Z-104 WLZZ
DATE GAME TIME; Saturday, February 1: Hilltop @ Edgerton: 7:30 P.M. Tuesday, February 4: Edgerton @ Hilltop: 7:30 P.M. Friday, February 7: North Central @ Montpelier
Superstar Country Z-104 WLZZ
If you have a community event that you'd like to post, send the details to: [email protected]
Superstar Country Z-104 WLZZ
COLDWATER, Mich. – Three people have been arrested and two arraigned in connection with a stabbing incident in Branch County. On March 1 at 8 p.m., Michigan State Police were sent to a investigate a stabbing that happened between two men in the 200 block of Paradise Island Drive in Coldwater Township.