"All The Best" vs "Best of Luck" - English Language & Usage Stack …
2018年10月23日 · All the best for the future; etc. So if you knew someone was having a job interview you might say "Best of luck for tomorrow!" but if you said "All the best" it would sound …
"I wish you all the best forever" is grammatically correct?
2017年5月12日 · (I) (wish) (you all) (the best) (forever) (you all) = "all of you" (the best) = what I am wishing for (forever) = how long I want this to continue; However, in the interest of not …
Wishing you all the best on vs for - WordReference Forums
2021年6月27日 · He got a lot of WhatsApp messages on the day. The following were the WhatsApp messages from two of his superiors. But the preposition they used were different. …
All the best to you as well. | WordReference Forums
2010年1月18日 · as it's an abbreviation of "All the best to you too". A. agiro New Member. Italian Apr 8, 2015 #6 ...
All the Best 'in/with' your exam. | WordReference Forums
2010年11月28日 · You can say either one. When the best wishes are for a longer or indefinite period, we tend to say "in": I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. When the wish is …
I'm wishing you all the best to you | WordReference Forums
2016年8月10日 · The words to you are completely unnecessary since they only repeat (in a strange way) wishing you. The preposition for might be used in I only want the best for you.
I wish you all the best with or in | WordReference Forums
2021年6月27日 · Hello. I wish you all the best in your studies! I wish you all the best with your studies! Both are fine, right?
"I wish you all the best ..." - WordReference Forums
2015年8月8日 · What was your intention, Silver? Were you trying to be sarcastic? If you were, that reply was fine. Were you sincerely wishing them the best even though you considered …
Similar ways of saying "Wish you all the best" - WordReference …
2012年3月7日 · Can you help me think of some friendly sentences for closing a letter? Seems I can only think of: Wish you all the best. Wish you the best of luck. (added later) I want it to be …
wish {you} all the best for your recovery - WordReference Forums
2014年2月3日 · In BrE, we may use either "for" or "with", sometimes interchangeably, sometimes not. I've thought about this only very briefly, but I suspect that "with" is used more for activities, …