Wintouch CRM is a versatile business management solution that is designed to be tailored closely to your business. A rich set of features streamlines a variety of business processes, increasing …
Features - Wintouch
Wintouch AI empowers data-driven decisions through tailored solutions for lead scoring, sales forecasting, sentiment analysis, deal close probability, and custom predictions. The Wintouch …
IBM i & AS/400 CRM | Wintouch - The best CRM for IBM iSeries
Wintouch is a modern cloud platform designed to integrate with core applications running on IBM i (iSeries and AS/400). Alternatively, Wintouch can be deployed on your IBM i with the same …
About - Wintouch
Initially introduced as a native solution for the IBM i (iSeries and AS/400), Wintouch has collected over 25 years of experience serving businesses of various industries and sizes. We have …
Report Manager - Wintouch Help
Wintouch imports data into a primary file that you can create in text, excel, or merged in Word form. A letter can be sent or an e-mail mailed to one account or all of the accounts in a group …
Building and Customization - Wintouch
Building and customization is easy in Wintouch! Build & visualize the data structure in the database tree. Add or edit 15+ field types, and apply calculations or scripts to fields to create …
Wintouch Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) - Wintouch Support
Q: How do we know how many users are on Wintouch at a given time? A: The command WRKWINTINF in the Wintouch library shows the number of users online with Wintouch and …
Solutions - Wintouch
Wintouch is a single, customizable solution for a suite of business functions that reduces the need for multiple subscriptions and costly integrations. Lead Management Generate and auto …
Mobile Apps - Wintouch
Additional mobile features are perfect for mobile, service, and other field reps. Quickly view upcoming appointments and meetings, tap on customer info to start Google or Apple Maps …
Customer Service - Wintouch
Wintouch's customizable web forms can serve as a portal for your customers to report issues and request service. Support tickets are created, automatically assigned to a support team …