What does "Y/Y" mean? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2014年11月6日 · As mentioned in the previous answer, Y/Y is likely to be an abbreviation of the phrase year-over-year. (Or sometimes year-on-year.) Typically, a number before the phrase …
expressions - Is x plotted against y or is y plotted against x ...
y = f(x) which is a mapping of y values against a range of x values related thro the function f(x). OTOH, when mathematically necessary, we would also plot x against y, x = f(y) The …
When is "Y" a vowel? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
In general, the Y is a consonant when the syllable already has a vowel. Also, the Y is considered a consonant when it is used in place of the soft J sound, such as in the name Yolanda or …
Parenthetical pluralization of words ending in '-y'
Sentences constructed with a word written in the singular and parenthetically in the plural are straightforward when that word does not end in -y, e.g.: List all applicable employee(s). How …
Origin of the "-y" or "-ie" diminutive suffix to denote intimacy ...
2010年9月17日 · The "-y" is a suffix for forming diminutive nouns, and Wiktionary has an entry dedicated to it, though it doesn't say anything about etymology other than "from Middle English …
Are there any rules to differeniate when to use the "i" vs "y" in ...
1) English words do not end with I (nor do Eng. words end with U,V, or J) Therefore, I is used in the middle of English words, Y is used at the end of Eng. words. 2) The single vowel Y (not …
single word requests - X, Y, Z — horizontal, vertical and ...
2012年1月31日 · Since X-Y-Z axes are frequently colored red, green and blue, respectively (cf. RGB color space) in 3D applications, and vert means green in French as well as in English …
Difference between "OK" and "okay" - English Language & Usage …
2012年3月10日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for …
Alternatives to y'all? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2019年1月14日 · The proper New York spelling is Youse. Wikipedia lists this variation as used in NYC and Chicago. In formal English, the second person plural (speaking to more than one …
british english - Is it formal or informal to use y/o as an ...
2016年3月6日 · Outside of that, in general English contexts, it's definitive informal, as most ad-hoc abbreviations are. (The formal "glossaries of terms" for general English are our …