There are two main factors underlying all the exercises in WALC 10. To initially make all of the processes involved with memory highly intentional. The most common erroneous belief a client frequently expresses is that she has never used memory strategies.
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WALC 10 Memory.pdf
WALC 10: Memory has been written to add some structure to that challenge and to reduce possible factors which may interfere with your client’s attempts to reestablish her skills. There are two main factors underlying all the exercises in WALC 10. To initially make all of the processes involved with memory highly intentional.
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Lisa Arnold Simpson
This section is a good starting point for clients who have decreased memory and attention skills. You may want to begin therapy by explaining to your clients how important it is to focus their attention and concentration.
WALC 10; MEMORY, Workbook of Activities for Language and Cognition
WALC 10; MEMORY, Workbook of Activities for Language and Cognition on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
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When your client thinks she can remember all of the pictures, have her cover the page and write the names of all 12 items on a separate sheet of paper.
WALC 10 Memory - Performance Health
WALC 10 Memory begins with a series of activities to determine the client’s dominant coding system (visual, auditory and kinesthetic). Clients recognize memory strategies they already use and the value of learning new ones. The rest of the book focuses on learning and practicing memory strategies.
WALC 10 Memory (E4481) | Direct Supply
WALC 10 Memory Clients focus on their strengths to identify memory strategies that work, then practice and apply their memory strategies to new contexts. It begins with a series of activities to determine the client’s dominant coding system (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic).
Workbook of Activities for Language and Cognition (WALC) 10: Memory
Help your clients enhance their memory and develop effective recall strategies with WALC 10 Memory, part of the best-selling Workbook of Activities for Language and Cognition (WALC) series. This book guides clients aged 16 and older to identify their dominant memory coding system—visual, auditory, or kinesthetic—and leverage their strengths.
WALC 10 Memory BK Kathryn J. Tomlin - PRO-ED Inc
WALC 10 Memory begins with a series of activities to determine the client's dominant coding system (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic). Clients recognize memory strategies they already use and the value of learning new ones. The rest of the book focuses on learning and practicing memory strategies. The lessons are organized by these memory ...
I devised the exercises in WALC 10 for use primarily with individuals who have suffered from a head injury, a non-dominant hemispheric stroke (usually a right CVA), and other neurological defi cits resulting from various causes (e.g., Lyme’s Disease, anoxia, Moya