Our Permanent Committees - WACD
Chair Mark Craven Snohomish Conservation District; Aneesha Dieu: Columbia Conservation District: Bridget Gallant: Benton Conservation District: Dave Hedrick
Meet our Officers & Directors - WACD
Lincoln County Conservation District. Jeff is a 4th generation agricultural producer in the southwest corner of Lincoln County. He is a graduate of Spokane Community College with two degrees, one in Automotive and a second in Heavy Equipment.
Water Resources - WACD
Conservation districts work across the state to improve and protect Washington’s water resources from K-12 education programs to multi-million dollar regional planning and implementation efforts.
Mark Craven - WACD
× Website Accessibility Statement. WACD (the "District") is committed to ensuring that its services are accessible to all members of the public.
Progress on WACD Work Plan Tom Salzer offered background information on the WACD FY24 Work Plan for the new board members and spoke to staff progress on Advocacy & Legislative Engagement, Member Services, Partnerships, and
Agriculture - WACD
× Website Accessibility Statement. WACD (the "District") is committed to ensuring that its services are accessible to all members of the public.
2019年8月19日 · Nick Pate can look across the street from his farm into Washington’s Snohomish River, where five salmon species swim to their spawning beds. The salmon are fighting a losing battle with habitat loss, declining water quality, and rising water temperatures.Chinook are among the hardest hit—less than 10 percent of their historic numbers now swim in the river.
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Wahkiakum CD Pine Creek CD Whidbey Island CD Palouse Rock Lake CD San Juan County CD Kitsap CD Asotin County CD Eastern Klickitat CD Thurston CD Central Klickitat CD
About WACD. The Washington Association of Conservation Districts (WACD) was formed in 1942 to help conservation districts succeed in their mission of conserving natural resources.
Washington Association of Conservation Districts WACD Plant Materials Center – Bow, WA Remote Connection through Zoom June 17, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes