AN/WSC-3(V)9 - Columbia Electronics
We stock spare parts for these sets . Contact us for fast quotations. E-mail: [email protected] for additional information or quotations!
US Navy VHF and UHF Transmitters & Transceivers - Navy Radio
Electrical Equipment Cabinet CY-7403/URC-85 contains two full-duplex AN/URC-82A UHF transceivers, four radio set controls (C-9059/UR), an indicator panel (ID-1953/UR), a local control panel, a 1 kW linear power amplifier (AM-6520/UR), and its …
Fleet Broadcast Subsystem Equipment - tpub.com
The AN/WSC-3 Transceiver is the standard UHF SATCOM transceiver for both submarine and surface ships. The AN/WSC-3 is capable of operating in either the satellite or line-of-sight (LOS) mode and can be controlled locally or remotely. The unit is designed for single-channel, half-duplex operations in the 224-to 400-MHZ UHF band.
美军现役战略及战术通信系统 | 治部少辅
国防卫星通信系统(DSCSⅢ) 是美国战略远程通信的支柱,该系统由位于赤道上空地球同步轨道上的 14 颗卫星组成,主要工作在超高频波段(后 4 颗卫星上增设了特高频通信),可为东太平洋、西大西洋、东大西洋、印度洋和西太平洋等五个区域的美国陆、海、空三军提供加密且可靠的全球通信服务。 最低限度应急通信网(MEECN)则专供美国总统在核战条件下与陆、海、空三军核部队的通信与指挥。 该系统由空军卫星通信系统、海军陆基甚低频电台广播网、海军“塔卡木” …
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AN/WSC-3 - GlobalSecurity.org
Jul 21, 2011 · Mini-DAMA system integrates the DAMA capabilities of the TD-1271B/U and the R/T capabilities of the AN/WSC-3 (V) into a single system, allowing installation on platforms with space and weight...
Figure 3-22.Uhf radio RT-1107/WSC-3.
A single AN/WSC-3 (RT-1107/WSC-3) is shown in figure 3-22. The AN/WSC-3 transceiver is used primarily aboard ship, at Marine Corps terminals, and at selected shore installations.
Radio Research Paper - 1980's - VHF/UHF Transceiver Systems
Below: AN/WSC-3 (225 to 400 MHz) general purpose transceiver. Power Output: 1 to 100 watts adjustable for FM and Link 11 operation. 30 watts for AM. Modes: AM plain voice, AM secure voice, FM plain voice, FM secure voice.
Transceiver AN/WSC-3(V) - tpub.com
Figure 3-20 shows an AN/WSC-5 (V) transceiver installation. This transceiver is capable of three types of modulation/demodulation: Frequency modulation/demodulation with pre- emphasis / de-emphasis for voice transmission/ reception. Frequency modulation/demodulation without pre- emphasis /de-emphasis for tone-group transmission/ reception.
Model AN-WSC-3 (V)11 Satellite Communications Set
Consists of receiver-transmitter radio rt-110 (v)11/wsc-3(v); control-indicator c-11078/wsc-3(v); mount adapter mt-6224/wsc-3(v) ; frequency range 225 to 399.975 mhz; 7000 channels in 25 khz. Increments; pre-set 20 remote or locally selectable; rf output power 30 watts in am mode 100 watts in fm mode; operating power requirements 115/230 volts ...