Old WF Beam section - Structural engineering general discussion
2013年5月21日 · Us young'uns gotcha covered hokie; 8WF17 is pretty much a W8x18, 10WF21 is a good one (saw a lot of these in mills) but the W10x22 has notably better flexural properties for the low, low cost of 1 plf, and the W12x26 is almost the same flexural properties as 12WF27 but 1 …
Moment of inertia for a W8x17 - Structural engineering general ...
2007年10月11日 · The values in the 7th edition manual are slightly different. W8x17 A=5.01 in2 d=8.00 in bf=5.250 in tf=0.308 in tw=0.230 in
W10x25, W8x17-1970s - Structural engineering general discussion …
2012年3月29日 · Moment of inertia for a W8x17. ars001; Oct 11, 2007; Structural engineering general discussion; Replies 5 ...
AISC Steel Database Help! - PTC: Mathcad - Eng-Tips
2008年5月18日 · for example, define Abeam:= vlookup("W8X17",beamtable,2).1 if the area is in the second column of the table. (the .1 on the end is how you get the subscript 1. Without that, you get a 1X1 matrix as a result of the lookup.) You can also attach units to this definition for A. No program is necessary. regards, chichuck
Can support be moved or removed - Eng-Tips
2004年1月11日 · The W8x20 would be 5.27’ wide at the flange and the W8x17 would be 5.25”. The designator is first the shape (W) the height in inches (8) and finally the weight in pounds per lineal foot. (20 or 17).
Need A Simple Beam Selection Program?? 2 - Eng-Tips
2005年11月2日 · I didn't question my advisor, but it seems to me that his choice of W8x31 is overkill, since it looks like that beam has a modulus of 27.4. Would not a W8x17 have worked just fine? He may have thrown in a safety factor. Again, my needs for structural knowledge are very limited and are generally just for small rigging jobs such as this.
Stiffener Retrofit - Structural engineering general discussion - Eng …
2013年5月29日 · The bottom level beam sits on top of the columns. The next level column sits on the beam. The beam-on-column, column-on-beam repeats for three levels. I have attached a picture for reference. At the fourth and top level, the beam finally frames into the side of the column. The beams are either W6x15.5 or W8x17, and the columns are W6x15.5.
Dynamic load of a free fall 7 - Eng-Tips
2011年3月4日 · Alternatively, I would add 2 more W8x17's, 8"-7" long (north & south) about 16" either side of the one centered under the ct.wt. You don’t want the ct.wt. tipping off that one centered W8. I would put some sort of a 3' high railing around the impact area to prevent tipping. This would enclose an area of about 8'-7" by 4' (east & west).
suction side friction loss - Pump engineering | Eng-Tips
2006年5月9日 · An argument with a colleague on the subject of pump head measurement in the open-loop (condenser pump) that suction side friction loss from source will not be calculated in the condition where the NPSH is positive or NPSHA > NPSHR. My opinion is that the all side friction loss put in the...
1970s MBMA - Structural engineering general discussion - Eng-Tips
2011年3月3日 · Shot in the dark here - does anyone have a copy of the snow provisions from the MBMA in the 1970's? Original drawings reference this for snow loading and I want to understand the snow drift load they may have taken into account as the area was planned for an expansion that is finally set to happen.