VVVVVV trailer - YouTube
http://www.gog.com/game/vvvvvvVVVVVV is a retro styled 2D platformer by Terry Cavanagh, creator of dozens of free games. You play as the fearless leader of a...
vvvv - visual live-programming for .NET
Mar 5, 2025 · vvvv is protected by our (pattern pending) T.R.U.S.T model: No copy-protection; No feature limitations; No mandatory registration; We trust you to declare your commercial use of vvvv correctly. That’s the world we want to live in. If vvvv helps you make a living, then help us make a living by providing vvvv for you.
VVVVVV for Nintendo Switch - Nintendo Official Site
It’s the game that’ll have you walking on the ceiling and looking up at the floor! VVVVVV is a challenging 2D action/platformer with one deceptively simple gameplay mechanic: Without the ...
Download - vvvv.org
vvvv beta. In development since 2001, vvvv beta has been used by many companies worldwide to create large media environments. Download vvvv beta
万富覃老师关于vvvv的视频教程 - 哔哩哔哩
万富覃老师关于vvvv的视频教程共计24条视频,包括:01.VVVV基础教程 一:基础介绍及软件安装(Basic introduction and software installation)、02.VVVV基础教程 二:节点(Node)、03.VVVV基础教程 三:动画节点(Animation Node)等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
vvvv 是一个免费开源的实时图形处理和可视化编程环境,广泛用于现场表演、互动装置和视觉艺术创作。通过节点式编程,用户可以无需编写传统代码即可构建复杂的实时图形和动画。vvvv 支持多种媒体格式和硬件接口,如视频、音频、3D 模型以及 OSC、MIDI、DMX 等协议,适用于个人和 …
Learning | vvvv beta documentation
Devvvveloping. Developers looking to extend vvvv with their own nodes start here: Addons stuff common to all addon development; Dynamic VL Plugin Reference: quick VL coding reference; Dynamic C# Plugins Reference: quick C# coding reference; VVVV SDK provides convenient access to alpha builds and allows for contributions to the addonpack ; How to release a pack
vvvv - GitHub
vvvv/The-Gray-Book’s past year of commit activity. JavaScript 29 19 1 3 Updated Feb 28, 2025. VL.IO.WebSocket Public Websockets for VL vvvv/VL.IO.WebSocket’s past year of commit activity. JavaScript 4 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Feb 28, 2025. VL.OpenEXR Public Support for .exr and .hdr image formats in VL
English Video Tutorials | vvvv beta documentation
vvvv Tutorial 2: Menu, Moving and Scaling and Node creation. Here I will show how to move and scale your vvvv patch window, getting to the menu and I will show the 3 ways to create a Node (building block) and than delete them. No patching yet, just some basics you will need to know. Video. Tutorial 3: Inlets, Outlets and Connections
Hello World | vvvv beta documentation
There are several different renderer nodes (= possibilities to visualize/render different kinds of data) in vvvv. For our endeavor we need to create a Renderer (GDI). As mentioned before. If you already know the name of a node you want to create, you can simply type its name after double-clicking in the patch. A pull-down menu appears that ...
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