Innovative world leader in high performance PEEK polymers - Victrex
Victrex is a world leader in PEEK and PAEK-based polymer solutions, helping customers to overcome complex design and engineering challenges.
VMG Vitrex Medical Group - Laboratory and analytical products
Vitrex Medical A/S supplies a wide range of high quality laboratory and analytical products to the healthcare sector. 50+ years experience.
Vitrek - Test & Measurement Systems, High-Speed Data …
Vitrek leads in safety, electrical test equipment, solar systems, vibration balancing, high-speed data acquisition, and signal recording for industries such as electronics, appliances, automotive, medical, military, aerospace, and more.
PEEK Polymers from Victrex | PEEK Plastic Manufacturer
VICTREX PEEK thermoplastics can be used in extrusion processes and equipment including wire coating, profile extrusion, film, pipe, sheet and monofilament production. Unfilled and filled grades are readily extruded using conventional melt processing technology.
About Victrex PLC - Victrex
VICTREX™ PEEK based parts in automotive applications. transforming industries and people’s lives. Our focus is on six core markets – aerospace, automotive, energy, electronics, industrial and medical – and our connection to global megatrends drives our product leadership and innovation within these markets, shaping new materials, forms and parts.
Home | Vitrex
Vitrex is a leading supplier of Tiling and Flooring tools and Accessories, along with associated safety equipment.
Home - Victrex plc
Victrex is an innovative world leader in high performance polymer solutions, focused on the strategic markets of automotive, aerospace, energy & industrial, electronics and medical.
Victrex - Wikipedia
Victrex plc is a British -based supplier of high performance polymers. It is a constituent of the FTSE 250. The company's headquarters and manufacturing facilities are based in the UK with technical and customer support facilities in multiple markets, serving more than 40 countries.
Vitrex Medical - T-Injecta
Vitrex Medical . Založené v roku 1967. Sídli v Herlev (pri Kodani) v Dánsku. Od začiatku sedemdesiatych rokov sa Vitrex sústreďuje na vývoj produktovej rady pre laboratóriá a rozborový sektor. Týmto vývojom si Vitrex zabezpečil pozíciu lídra na trhu zameranom na hlavný predmet podnikania spoločnosti: Kľúčová výroba:
Vitrex 30 kapsula - Default Store View
Vitrex je dodatak ishrani namenjen za potrebe ishrane kod degeneracije staklastog tela. Vitrex poboljšava metabolizam staklastog tela i vraća ga u fiziološko stanje - postepeno se povlače leteće mušice. Besplatna dostava za porudžbine preko 5000 RSD.