Veterans Benefits Network - Vets Helping Vets Since 2002
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Veterans Benefits Network-VA agreed that trichloroethylene (TCE) …
2013年1月1日 · I forgot to mention that the number of BVA decisions involving TCE to one degree or another ranged from 2 to 4 cases for years 2003-2009, but started to increase beginning with 2009 which saw a total of 7 such cases and increased substantially beginning with 2010 which had 20 such cases, 2011 had 17 and 2012 had 20 according to an advanced search on did for each of those 10 years.
Veterans Benefits Network-VA Trying to Remove SMC after 30 Years
2013年9月13日 · Cav1Sgt posted "VAOPGCPREC 16-89 addressed the effect of reducing a protected rating and the impact on SMC, not whether SMC was protected.Yet, in VAOPGCPREC 16-89, it seems clear that SMC's are protected... [font=ARIAL, 'SANS-SERIF']4. The legislative intent of section 110 must be examined to determine whether application of protection in this situation would contravene the intent of the statute.
VA agreed that trichloroethylene (TCE) likely as not caused my …
2012年6月25日 · I was a Nike missle tech and we used tce while in the army. I know have bad cervical and lumbar spine problems with both knees degeneration moderate and I have seizures complex partial with the nerve in the left side of my face damage transminial naralgia with large amount of skin damage with shaving profile and anxiety from so much chronic pain. all from the use of TCE in the process of claim ...