VP-33 - Wikipedia
VP-33 was a Patrol Squadron of the U.S. Navy.
VPNAVY - VP-33 History Summary Page - VP Patrol Squadron
On 16 Sept 1944, Patrol Bombing Squadron VP-33, a Catalina "Black Cat" squadron, was operating from the tender USS San Carlos off Middleburg Island, New Guinea. VP-33 operated within the organization of FAW-17. One of that night's search and attack missions was that of squadron XO, Lt. James F. Merritt.
VPB-33 - Wikipedia
VPB-33 was a Patrol Bombing Squadron of the U.S. Navy. The squadron was established as Patrol Squadron 33 (VP-33) on 1 April 1942, redesignated Patrol Bombing Squadron 33 (VPB-33) on 1 October 1944 and disestablished on 7 April 1945. [1] Squadron Insignia and nickname: The first squadron insignia was a design originally approved for use by VP-5S.
VP-33 was destined to become one of ten well-known Black Cat squadrons operating in the South Pacific during WWII. After reaching the combat zone and being assigned its unique mission, the...
VP-33 Shipmates Summary Page - VP Patrol Squadron - VPNAVY
Deployed to the Southwest Pacific from September 1943 to February 1944, Capt. Anderson held several leadership positions in VPB-33, a squadron that flew PBY -5 Catalina seaplanes referred to as "Black Cats" for their black non-reflective paint and the ability to attack Japanese strongholds and ships at night deep behind enemy lines.
VPNAVY - VP-33 History Summary Page - VP Patrol Squadron
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...11 SEP 39 - In the first redeployment of patrol squadrons on the Neutrality Patrol, VP-33, equipped with Catalinas, transferred from the Canal Zone to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, for operations over the Caribbean. Two days later, the Catalinas of VP-51 arrived at San Juan, P.R., from Norfolk, Va., to patrol the southern ...
VP-33 Main Summary Page - VP Patrol Squadron - VPNAVY
VPNAVY is dedicated to the men and women of the United States Navy flying ASW VP/VPB Patrol Aircraft past and present. VPNAVY has attempted to collect every available piece of information via the InterNet.
VP-33 History Summary Page - VP Patrol Squadron - VPNAVY
VPNAVY is dedicated to the men and women of the United States Navy flying ASW VP/VPB Patrol Aircraft past and present. VPNAVY has attempted to collect every available piece of information via the InterNet. Everything and anything relating to U. S. Navy ASW Patrol Squadrons is posted with permission on pages dedicated to each respective squadron.
Black Cat PBYs: Squadron History of VPB-33 - daveswarbirds.com
With VP-52, the squadron conducted VP-33 was destined to become one of ten well-known Black Cat squadrons operating in the South Pacific during WWII. After reaching the combat zone and being assigned its unique mission, the squadron air-sea rescue for Army strikes on Wewak, Wakde, Biak, Noemfoor, Manokwari, Babo, Jefman and Sagan.
VPB-71 | HBN Design
Nov 3, 2019 · The second VP-33 was redesignated VPB-33 on 1 October 1944. They earned the nickname Black Cats after the events of 24 November 1944: where VPB-71 deployed to Manus Island, reporting to Commander, Air Seventh Fleet for duty on 13 November.