VASP - Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package
In-person VASP workshop: Introduction to advanced techniques. Interested in personal tutoring by VASP developers? Registration for our in-person workshop in Rennes, France! Attend this …
The VASP Manual - VASP Wiki
In this category, we collect theory pages from all the different areas VASP offers functionalities. These can also be reached from the corresponding category. For instance, the article on the …
Tutorials - VASP Wiki
The recommended order is to work from top to bottom in the navigation on the left-hand side. As a beginner, start with Atoms and molecules - Part 1: Introduction to VASP. It covers the basics …
Part 1: Introduction to VASP - VASP Wiki
1.3.1 stdout¶. After you run VASP, the following stdout will be printed to the terminal:. running on 2 total cores distrk: each k-point on 2 cores, 1 groups distr: one band on 1 cores, 2 groups …
Learn - VASP Wiki
Videos. Interested in the underlying theory? Check out the lectures on our YouTube channel
VASPml library - VASP Wiki
This allows users to combine VASP-generated machine-learned force fields with the large amount of MD-related features provided by LAMMPS, some of which may not be offered in VASP …
Smearing technique - VASP Wiki
In VASP, it is a good idea to always set a smearing method in the INCAR file because the default choice may lead to incorrect results for some materials. We recommend to default to Gaussian …
Setting up an electronic minimization - VASP Wiki
Step 6 (optional): Select the appropriate version of the VASP executable. I.e. vasp_gam if you only want to use the Gamma point for reciprocal space integration, vasp_ncl for noncollinear …
Part 1: Basic transition states - VASP Wiki
Calculate the reaction pathway using nudged elastic band with 4 images for the self-diffusion of a Si atom to a vacancy site in a 15-atom Si primitive supercell.
Part 1: Error analysis and hyperparameter optimization of ... - VASP …
Usually VASP has reasonable default choices for these parameters because they were optimized on a selected set of bulk materials and on a molecular data base. Depending on the intended …