What does 0 V exactly mean in an electric circuit mean? - Physics …
2015年3月16日 · In that circuit diagram, the Potential Difference between the V+ and V- connections is equal to the 'Battery Voltage'. Those two resistors, being equal, will ensure that the PD between the terminals and the one marked VGND will be +V battery /2 and -V battery /2 (Whatever you connect that VGND terminal to it will be half way between the two ...
Prove that 0v = 0 for an arbitaryvector v belong to V - Physics …
2010年1月16日 · Homework Statement Suppose V is a vector space over F. Prove that 0v(vector) = 0(vector) for an arbitrary vector v belong to V Homework Equations... Insights Blog -- Browse All Articles -- Physics Articles Physics Tutorials Physics Guides Physics FAQ Math Articles Math Tutorials Math Guides Math FAQ Education Articles Education Guides Bio/Chem ...
V=0, I=0: Open or Short Circuit? - Physics Forums
2012年10月27日 · You could measure V=0 and I=0 off a glass cup. :P If you are talking about circuit theory: then V=0 is a short circuit AND there can be current flowing through it I=0 is an open circuit AND there can be a voltage across the two non-connected wires. But those ONLY count when your circuit is ON in some way. What are you trying to do?
If V is a complex inner product and T is an operator on V such that …
2012年12月28日 · As an example, consider the operator T in R^2 that is a counter clockwise rotation of 90 degrees around the origin. Thus , T(x,y) = (-y,x). Obviously, Tv is orthogonal to v for every v in R^2, even though T is not 0. Proposition : if V is a complex inner product space and T is an inner product space on V such that <Tv,v>=0 for all v in V, then ...
Differential equation dv/dt = 9.8 - v/5, v(0) = 0 - Physics Forums
2013年1月26日 · A falling object satisfies the initial value problem: dv/dt = 9.8 - v/5, v(0) = 0 1.Find the time that must elapse for the object to reach 98% of its limiting velocity. answer: t = 19.56, and for completeness, v = -49e-t/5 + 49 2.How …
Can any1 explain vf^2 = vi^2 + 2ad? - Physics Forums
2005年10月30日 · Hi can anyone explain the logistics of vf^2 = vi^2 + 2ad to me? i mean its one thing to simply remember the equation but, to understand how they came about it is way more helpful. thx a lot :biggrin:
Why does div(v)=0 for a fluid means that the fluid is incompressible?
2006年2月7日 · Right, that's basically it. Since div(v)=0 the flux through any closed surface is zero. The flux is a measure of how much fluid flows through the surface. Since the surface is closed there is no net accumulation of fluid in the volume.
Simple harmonic motion equations derivation? - Physics Forums
2013年11月23日 · Well I was going through class lecture notes and my professor wrote this When x = A(the maximum value), v=0: E=1/2kA^2 When v = wA, x=0: E=1/2mw^2A^2 where w = omega, A = amplitude, k = spring constant, m = mass, v = velocity and apparently both equations are equal, i would like to...
Is the Hamiltonian H = p^2/2m + V_0r^2 Rotationally Invariant?
2008年2月9日 · Show that the Hamiltonian [tex] H = p^2/2m+V_0r^2 [/tex] corresponding to a particle of mass m and with [tex] V_0 [/tex] constant is a) rotationally invariant. Homework Equations Rotation operator: [tex] U_R(\phi ) = \exp (-i \phi \vec{J} / \hbar ) [/tex], where [tex] \vec{J} [/tex] is the angular momentum operator. The Attempt at a Solution
A spaceship travelling at 0.8c - Physics Forums
2007年9月14日 · Suppose our sun is about to explode. In an effort to escape, we depart in a spaceship at v = 0.8c and head toward the start Tau Ceti, 12 light years away. When we reach the midpoint of our journey from the Earth, we see our Sun explode and, unfortunately, at the same instant we see Tau Ceti explode as well.